View Full Version : time out

4th Jan 2004, 20:38
what does the flight crew do when all the passengers are asleep or awake. is it different on laong haul to the short haul. is there really any time to get bored or not

4th Jan 2004, 20:47

I'm nearly as confused as you seem to be in your posting

Do you mean Flight Crew or Cabin Crew
and do you mean asleep or awake???

4th Jan 2004, 20:56
I mean if the cabin crew is on board and if all passengers are asleep, what happens. if they are awake, what happens. It is as simple as that. What do they do in the time they have.

4th Jan 2004, 21:30
at excel we have to get all the services done on a flight no matter what time it is. This can take about 2-3 hrs on a busy flight. so to most destinations we get about 15-30 mins to scoff something and recover before the turn-round. On the longer sectors, especially at night it can be v. boring. (depends on who the crew are!) have to check the cabin,toilets,flight deck regularly and thats about it.