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2nd Jan 2004, 23:45
Hi Folks!

As an aerospace engineering student & an holder of the frozen ATPL I was wondering if there is someone out there who might help me to find a company to do the 6 months compulsory engineering internship - if possible within the "testing departement".

Since I'm not that familiar with the UK aerospace business, I hope that you can drop me a line where and whom to ask!?!?

Thx in advance,


Genghis the Engineer
4th Jan 2004, 21:25
These internships are relatively uncommon in the UK (and incidentally are normally called "placements"). But nonetheless they are organised, usually in co-operation with a university offering that type of degree (called "engineering sandwich degrees") and the HR department at the particular company.

Coming from outside the UK I'm sure that your university won't have any contacts so you're clearly on your own. My recommendation would be to identify the companies actively involved in the area that you'd like to try and gain some experience in. Then, I'd suggest writing to the head of Human Resources, copying the letter to the Chief Flight Test Engineer.

Companies I'd suggest trying (they all have websites from which you can get contact details)...


Britten-Norman (I wouldn't be too optimistic there, it's been a bit quiet at Bembridge for the last couple of years)

Westland Helicopters (I did a placement with them myself many years ago)

BAE Systems (write to each site separately, any illusion that they have a coherent combined company system is just that) - probably at Filton, Hawarden and Warton

Pegasus Aviation (they take about 1 placement per year)

Qinetiq (only worth it if you are a British subject, they'll ignore you otherwise)

Cranfield University (which is a lot more than just a university and has active design and FT departments)

When you write, I'd explain exactly what you are hoping for, and attach a suitably brief (1 side) CV concentrating mainly upon your technical achievements rather than flying experience. So far as pay is concerned, I'd expect probably around £800 per month - subsistence pay I'm afraid, but that's about the going rate.

Might be worth asking on the "Engineers and Technicians" forum as well.