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View Full Version : "atpl Subjects" Which Ones First

24th Dec 2003, 00:20
Hey Everybody,
Helping a fellow pilot out with her ATPL subjects,she has been
studying at home for at least 3 months and she asked me
which ones are the easy ones,I finished my ATPL years ago
and don't know what the exams are like now ,can anyone help me???

24th Dec 2003, 03:28
Hey Aussie,
I wish I could help but I'm not at that stage yet

24th Dec 2003, 07:22

The "easy" ones are :
- VFR comms
- IFR comms
- Operational Procedures
- Air Law
- General Navigation
- Human Performance and Limitations

What I mean by "easy" is that it is enough to "memorize" things in oder to pass them. The other ones require more maths and understanding ...

good luck,

24th Dec 2003, 18:20
Gen Nav easy???hmmm
the rest i agree...just memory..

Best of luck...if shes pretty i have time off for lessons..payable with gin and tonics:=


29th Dec 2003, 18:28
Agreed Gen Nav was a bit of bitch but still whats done is done :)

Personally I reckon your better off doing some harder ones and some of the easier ones, if u can pick and chose.

Have a look at the subjects some of them go well together........

ie. do AGK at same time as Instruments, and Gen Nav...........................

do Air Law and Ops at the same time.................

PoF and Performance.......................

Flt Plan and Mass & Balance........................

Thats what i can think as all the above subjects cross-over information a fair bit, so by doing them at the same time you cut down a bit on the neccessary work..............................

only a little bit though

kebab kid
30th Dec 2003, 19:43
while on the subject of atpl theory. How long do they take to complete (if you study at home intensively) could you do it in four months?

and are they valid forever as long as you keep a current instrument rating/cpl.


3rd Jan 2004, 16:45
Kebab kid,

I believe there are a few guns out there who have done so.

I am currently doing the first 8 subjects of the Bristol course (Module 1), start date 3/9/03 finished content 6/12/03, revision (at home) start 9/12/03, aim to finish 6/1/04, then practice exams until the class revision and exams. I also work full time, fly about 600+ hrs per year.

How much time you can spend on it is obviously the major factor, also your level of dedication and understanding. It's hard, but do-able.

As far as exam difficulty, at a guess, comms and human factors could be straightforward. If I could, I would defer Instruments and Met indefinitely :D

7th Jan 2004, 21:43
Just about to sit my last exams in three weeks. My advice is to do them in the following order:

Principles of Flight, which then leads nicely into Performance and then Mass & Balance.
Then do Systems (or AGK, whatever you want to call it) and Powerplants.
Then do VFR / IFR comms as a little light relief, some of which leads nicely into....
Air Law
Then do Human Performance.

Follow that with Gen Nav and Radio Nav and follow them up with Instruments (some of which you will have already looked at in Gen Nav - ie compass errors INS/IRS).
Then do Ops and Procedures (you need to be able to do the polar stereo stuff from Gen Nav to do bits of Ops and Procs).
Then do Meteorology which as some nice links to the final subject...
Flight Planning.

The easy ones are - Mass & Balance, VFR & IFR comms and Flt Planning.
Gen Nav is definetely not easy, but if you are shown a few things in your revision weeks you can get 90% like I did:ok: