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View Full Version : DamienB and Man-on-the-fence

20th Dec 2003, 17:16
I'd like to publicly thank the above two gentlemen for the enjoyment they've given to all of us with their outstanding photographs taken at shows and airfields over the UK this year.

Well done lads,
A merry Christmas to you both ,
And all the very Best for a Happy, Healthy and Productive New Year.

:ok: :cool: :D ;)


20th Dec 2003, 17:27
Hear, hear!!

.....and for the amusing posts which accompany their art!!

Happy Humbug-tide:ok:

20th Dec 2003, 19:43
Hear ,hear was only reviewing their masterworks yesterday worthy of the greatest of their breed.How about a masterworks CD of the finest.Friends of mine will be bringing an immaculate restored Zlin 226 to OW. next year and are most keen to have their magnificicent beast given the DB/MOTF treatment.How about it chaps.Nicest aeroplane I,ve flown for a very long time.Think Airbedane will really like to get his hands on it.:ok:

20th Dec 2003, 19:45
I third that! I was one of the happy band at Old Warden on Wednesday and am enjoying the stunning piccies, having been in videocam mode myself.

vintage ATCO
20th Dec 2003, 19:47
Yes, top marks from me too. Well done! :D

Must upgrade my instamatic. . . ;)


20th Dec 2003, 19:56
Yes yes, just send money. :O

Seriously, thanks for the sentiment but I think MOTF would agree with me that we're only capturing moments and its the guys maintaining and flying the aircraft that deserve the thanks because without them we'd be stuck taking pictures of blank patches of sky.

Stampe - I'm sure we can arrange something, PM me.

20th Dec 2003, 20:07
Aww shucks chaps:O :O

I totally concur with DB without the aircraft and the chaps who fly them, we'd be pretty bored.

I personally would like to thank DB for his help and encouragement this year and Airbedane, Hairyplane and all at Old Warden for the stunning hospitality

Stampe, just whistle and I'll be there.

Thanks for all your kind words.


John (Gary) Cooper
20th Dec 2003, 21:25
Fully endorse the sentiments, first class photos chasps!

I find it amazing that you know the exact position to be in at different airfields/airports, the timing is always perfect and more often the weather is too..........and then to share them with us is the icing on the cake :ok:

As this one is on Damiens doorstep, there is a balloon fest in Northants at some unearthly hour each year, any chance you could spread a little of your expertise on these unusual shaped beasts.

Thanks again and a Happy Christmas to all :p

20th Dec 2003, 22:08
Yes, I'll add my thanks as well for your outstanding work Damien. Good one, long may you (and Cathy of course ;) ) continue. :ok:

Damien and his long one. . .

MotF , haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet but I hope to one of these days.


20th Dec 2003, 22:09
I'd second all that's been said.
Have a reet proper crimbo guys:ok:

20th Dec 2003, 22:32
What you can't see in the picture of DB is that he has BOTH eyes closed - that's his secret!

21st Dec 2003, 00:36
Ooooooh! Hasn't he got a big'un, Jools? And what bonar exposures he does. Don't you just love taking a vader at 'em Mr 'Orne.

<Jools 'n' Sandy mode off>:eek:

Heartily endorse all of the previous messages. Sterling work, chaps. Sincere thanks for all your time and trouble (including all the 'post-production' toil in Photoshop - I know how much care you have to take to put in to turn a batch of bits 'n' bytes into proper, genuine colours and tones which reflect the real thing).

Hope to meet you both in 04 (and get one of you to explain what all the mysterious knobs, dials and slidey thingeys on my TLR Rolleiflex Tele-rollei are meant to do).

Again, thanks for all.

(PS Damien - I have not forgot my promise to you earlier in year about snaps of Treble-one's Lightnings at Farnborough. Haven't had a moment since Dubya hit Iraq in March. Hope things will improve in 04 - soon!)


21st Dec 2003, 05:10
MOTF and DB - a heartfelt thanks - your wonderful pictures have meant a lot to me throughout the year - I always zoom in on your postings hoping to see some great piccies - and am always delighted - what a great treat - thanks guys.
Airbedane - fantastic to see you have your medical back! Good health, and happiness to you in 2004.
Happy Christmas all

Shaggy Sheep Driver
21st Dec 2003, 05:27
I don't know how these guys do it, but I'm glad they do.

As a result I've got some super pics this year of our Chippy and my other favorite aeroplane - Concorde.

I raise a glass in appreciation and thanks, chaps. Cheers:ok:


21st Dec 2003, 06:58
Ditto to all the comments above.

All the best


21st Dec 2003, 07:17
Agree with all of the above. Damien's shots of Concorde's final few weeks in particular have given me a huge amount of pleasure. Many thanks to both of you guys, have a great Christmas. :ok:

Richard Paver
21st Dec 2003, 23:06
I totally agree Airbedane
great stuff!

22nd Dec 2003, 04:35
Young Mr Paver has done a good shot or two in his time too!

22nd Dec 2003, 20:17
As a fellow photographer who has been taking aviation photos for a number of years now I can only add to what folks have said thusfar on this thread. You have both provided us with some of the finest images that I have seen anywhere in recent times.
The praise levelled at you is no more than is deserved, and I know how good it feels to get such praise from my days as a regular picture poster on the Flypast forum.
Good work , keep it up and hopefully we can all meet up at OW next year.
I like the idea of posting self/ portraits, perhaps we should all do it so as to make recognition and approach much easier.

22nd Dec 2003, 20:53
Echo all the sentiments chaps! Keep them up - er, the supa-long lenses that is!

Thanks for bringing to life so many of this year's events, and hope to see you gain, Damien, at OW or Duxford, and meet you at the same locations MoTF.



PS: Philo, a rogue's gallery? You DO have scary ideas! :)

23rd Dec 2003, 02:54
Just wanted to echo the sentiments already expressed, Thank-you Damien and MOTF!

It really is a pleasure to view such top quality photography.

Best wishes to you in the new year, keep up the good work!


23rd Dec 2003, 23:45
Signing off for a few days off now so once again thanks all for the messages, and best wishes for a damn good Christmas to you all.

30th Dec 2003, 04:25
Adding my thanks to you both for your posted photographs. My computer causes me to curse it more often than not, but when I see hot-off-the-press quality piccies from you guys I know it's worth it.

30th Dec 2003, 22:43
You guys have really made my year in retrospect. The sheer generosity of putting your suberb work in the public domain is quite extraordinary and all of us benefit.

To meet Damien B and new wife at Gransden was great - especially when it formed a vital part of their honeymoon. Though I did wonder when they disappeared behind that stout hedge for a while - just how Ken Ellis restrained his scouse sense of humour on the PA I will never know.

I am looking to contact Damien for a chat that just might lead to a bit of financial support for his talents so give me a shout please. See my profile for details and contact method.

To you both a very Happy and safe New Year.

Trapper 69 (and Yasser Verifat et al........!!!)