View Full Version : Med mutterings

Regie Mental
18th Dec 2003, 00:05
Anyone who passed through Akrotiri during Telic would have seen how the place was humming with activity, much of the movements taking advantage of the newly renovated hard standings.

The view at the time was that things would never be the same again and the base would not return to sleepy hollow status. Not been there a while so is it back to normal? Has the Mess Committee finally spent the pile of dosh received during the Op? Is there still only one channel in the TV room? Does George still produce the best Brandy Sours (it’s the dash of 7 Up I reckon)? Is it still advisable to be cautious if one drops ones key in reception? Does anyone give a t*ss?

Answers on a postcard please.


18th Dec 2003, 17:12
It would be logical to maintain it as a tanker/transport hub, with some forward deployed AD and Muds...

...so it will not happen.:(

18th Dec 2003, 21:31
The mess now has a rather spangly Sky system, thus making it rather better equipped than the majority of the MQs. As for sleepy hollow, well the bods in Air Tragic keep on telling me how hard they are working - 2 mornings, 2 afternoons, 2 nights, 2 days off - I just wish I had that 'tough' system!

Regie Mental
18th Dec 2003, 23:05
Is that the same Air Tragic which screamed for augmentees from the UK and then promptly allowed it's own staff to go on vacation even though the number of air movements had rocketed?


19th Dec 2003, 00:04
Hah! nothing's changed much then. Have they still got the pics of the "Lady Be Good" on the stairs up to Approach?

Tilt and Gain
19th Dec 2003, 02:20
The most humorous addition to Akrotiri is, without doubt, a new F3 painting on the wall of the Det Ops building. It proudly boasts: "EF3 - Wild Weasel".

And, yes. George still makes the very finest Brandy Sours.

19th Dec 2003, 03:09
Tilt and Gain

you find that pic on the ops block funny. you should have seen it being painted, again and again. young ladies and brandy are a much better mix than young ladies and paint:ok:

19th Dec 2003, 15:36
Wild Weasel?!?!

How very un-British.

How about "Combat Gerbil"?

Subtle understatement works much better don't you think?

Tilt and Gain
20th Dec 2003, 00:32

Your "Combat Gerbil" suggestion has a certain ring to it. Now, all we need is for someone to bite... the nick-name might just stick.

20th Dec 2003, 01:00
Like the name, Gainsey, but 'combat' isn't really an understatement of 'wild', surely?

'Mildly Irritated Gerbil' , perhaps?