View Full Version : C-119 to Namibia?

17th Dec 2003, 19:00
Hey guys!

Just saw this over on www.airtanker.com:


Pretty interesting if true...

I don't know if I like the idea of remaking "Flight of the Phoenix" though....

20th Dec 2003, 20:47
Made it to Namibia ok apparently...

Here it is in Spain:


22nd Dec 2003, 14:40
Brings back memories of the movies "Con Air" and "Air America"! :ok:

Somehow, the C119 reminds me of a cross between an HS65 Argosy and a roll of cooking al-foil! Maybe it's infant protoge is the Cessna 336? :}

9th Feb 2004, 21:46
You can find some pictures and a diary of the ferry trip here:


11th Feb 2004, 22:55
The photos bring back happy memories of my days as an ATC cadet. I managed to scrounge a ride in a USAF C119 from RAF Llandow. We were dropping about 30 Territorial paras over Fairwood Common (now Swansea Airport) and were one of three aircraft. One dropped a Landrover and it was amazing to watch this from the air - I thought it was going to hit the ground before the parachutes deployed properly.

During the para drop I was ushered into the cockpit out of the way and was amazed at how roomy it was, with many well filled ashtrays around. After the drop I was allowed to stand at the open rear door and remember being slightly tempted to jump (I did have a parachute on).

When we landed, I was not prepared for the reverse pitch on the propellors and thought that the nose wheel had come off, that's what it sounded like. For a young ATC cadet it was a memorable experience, and quite strange to land with 30 less people aboard than we had on take off.