View Full Version : New E.U SPAM law

12th Dec 2003, 20:53
Link to New Ban on SPAM (http://icwales.icnetwork.co.uk/0100news/0600uk/content_objectid=13713815_method=full_siteid=50082_headline=-EU-ban-on-spam-e-mails-name_page.html)
Despite all this SPAM can still come from outside the EU.

12th Dec 2003, 21:20
Yup - still getting a whole bunch of cr@p from the US:(

14th Dec 2003, 20:41
AH! If the EU bans Spam, does that mean all the Nigerian 419 scams from chello.nl will be blocked? Great news indeed!

What we really need is for the USA to ban spam. But I suspect such a ban would contravene the constitution - something about the right to freedom of expression (even if someone else has to pay) and of course the right to arm bears.

Naples Air Center, Inc.
18th Dec 2003, 14:33
If you missed it, President Bush signed, what some say, is a major piece of legislation against the daily nuisance known as spam dubbed the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act (http://news.com.com/2100-1028_3-5124724.html?tag=st_pop). But others say the bill won't cut it:

Web portal and e-mail giant Yahoo was quick to hail the bill's enactment.

"This legislation is a victory for consumers and the Internet," Yahoo said in a statement. "It provides businesses with important new legal weapons in the ongoing battle against spam. And it supplements the current technological, educational and legal tools Yahoo and others are using to fight this threat," the company said.

But the law has raised alarm among some spam fighters because it would legalize sending nonfraudulent spam and zap state laws that in some cases prohibit that practice. At least 34 states have slapped regulations on bulk e-mail, with some jurisdictions going much farther than Washington, D.C. Washington state has granted e-mail recipients the right to sue spammers, and California and Delaware have mandated an "opt-in" approach that prohibits unsolicited commercial e-mail without a prior business relationship.


19th Dec 2003, 00:06
Which explains why I'm now getting more spam than ever....

I'd just love them to catch one of these perpetrators and throw him into the slammer. Where he can have fun explaining his interest in bodily extensions to the hairiest, nastiest convict in the place:mad:

Naples Air Center, Inc.
19th Dec 2003, 01:46

If you want to get something done about it, you need to take apprehension and enforcement out of the hands of the Governments and give it to the RIAA (http://www.riaa.com/)! ;)
