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View Full Version : Full Emergency LGW 11/12/03

Bob Brown
12th Dec 2003, 18:58
The wife got home last night and said that there had been a full emergency going on.
Anyone know if it was anything interesting?

12th Dec 2003, 22:03
There was a PA32 came in on a priority approach about 19:30 with one engine shut down. Normal landing, good job by P1.

12th Dec 2003, 22:10
Not bad, shame a PA32 has only one engine, was it a PA31?

Golf India Bravo

12th Dec 2003, 23:05
Sorry if this is a stupid question but what is a PA32.

Thanks In Advance Dave :ok:

12th Dec 2003, 23:25

Towards the bottom it shows a pic of a PA31, I'm guessing it's that you mean, as G-IB says. A PA 32 only has one engine. Not that i know much about every a/c anyway!


12th Dec 2003, 23:25
well here's a PA 31 ..............


and here's a PA-32 .....


12th Dec 2003, 23:54
PA-32 is a Cherokee 6. Definitely has only one fan (at least, the one I flew did). So, if it landed minus one working engine, the intrepid aviator must have done a good job of a forced landing without power at Gatwick at night. I somehow doubt this happened! Much more likely to have been a PA-31 Twin Comanche or a PA-34 Seneca making an engine-out landing. Well done, anyway.

13th Dec 2003, 00:21
Slight correction: A PA31 is a Navajo or a Navajo Chieftan. A Twin Comanche is a PA30 or a PA39.

14th Dec 2003, 04:03
It was a PA31, the way I heard it was that it had an unsafe gear warning, it carried out a low approach and go-around for a visual check of the gear to be carried out and then made an approach and landed safely.
Info gleaned from ATC watch log.

15th Dec 2003, 03:25
Wonder what time of the day it was. Anyway, what little I know about certain Piper twins I'll spout out here, and stand to be corrected. Is it not the case that if the panel lights are on the landing gear green light often won't work (one green I think vs three)? (or simply doesn't work)?

We had a similar incident two years ago on approach to Rhodos in a Twin Comanche and I think I remember that being the explanation. We didn't require it at the time, but I hope our pilot knew where the gear crank handle was located!


18th Dec 2003, 03:03
PA 31-350 Chieftain, unsafe right gear indication at night. Right engine was shut down to try to preserve prop and engine just in case the gear had collasped.

I understand ATC, emergency services and GAT handler were very helpfull.