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View Full Version : Amazing Aerial Photographs

9th Dec 2003, 18:09
One of our Senior First Officers, Brian Whittaker, has put together some very, very stunning photographs taken from the air - my personal favourite being Ayers Rock!!!

CD's aver available or you can download images from his web-site. All he asks is donations towardshis pet project - the building of a Nursery School in Tanzania.


(Follow the Link to Aerial Photos and Mount Kilimanjaro climb)

DX Wombat
11th Dec 2003, 23:44
Bealine It says "Access denied" :{

12th Dec 2003, 05:04
Hi DX,

That nearly got me too, look at the banner below the "access denied"

It has a link.

To save you the time, here it is:


Fantastic photos, thanks for the link Bealine.


DX Wombat
19th Dec 2003, 18:11
Thanks for that Memetic. I've only just seen your reply and haven't much time at the moment but will have a good look later.:ok: