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View Full Version : First Flights Australian Military/Civil A/C

6th Dec 2003, 14:35
The Flight Test Society of Australia is going busters in trying to collect as much flight test history as possible before all the old and bold TPs go to the big hangar in the sky.

Part of the collection will be records of those intrepid pilots/test pilots who were first to fly each of the Australian types. For instance - Sqn Ldr Ron Green was first Oz to fly an F-111C

Amazing how little data remains recoverable.

We think that the first Oz pilot to do any experimental flight testing was Flt Lt Carew Reynel during WW2 flying Hurricanes for Hawkers. He wanted some operational experience during Battle of Britain. Got himself a couple of Me-109s before one got him. Bailed out too low.

So if any of you can come up with info on first flights you will be helping to preserve some aviation history.