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View Full Version : Air Force One (or two!)

Noah Zark.
1st Dec 2003, 06:09
A colleague flew from LHR. on the day Mr. Pres. arrived in the U.K. and said that as his (my colleague)'s a/c was climbing away, he could in fact see two Air Force Ones parked right in the middle of the airport.
Can anyone enlighten, please?

1st Dec 2003, 06:41
all i could find on them (http://edition.cnn.com/2002/US/02/15/airforce.one/)

though is there really any need for one man to have so many aircraft?

1st Dec 2003, 07:38
though is there really any need for one man to have so many aircraft?

They are not for just one man.

They are available for State dept business.

There is only one Airforce One, and the only way you know which one is to see who comes down the steps during deplaning.

galaxy flyer
1st Dec 2003, 08:54
AF1 is the call sign of whatever USAF plane the President happens to be flying on. AF1 has been a C-17 when Pres. Clinton used it to go into FRY.

There are two B-747s used by the Presidential Flight, both -200s (last production ones, I believe) tail nrs. 28000 and 29000. Usually, both are deployed whenever the President travels as a back-ups.


1st Dec 2003, 10:42
Oddly enough, even a light aircraft can be 'AF1'....Eisenhower had an AeroCommander 560 for use when he was president.

Bright and shiney it was too...:ooh:

1st Dec 2003, 12:37
When Bush came here for the G8, they had both 747s parked in the middle of the airport. Apparently one is a back up, just in case.

I think that AeroCommander is in the US Air Force museum at Wright-Patterson. They have some of the other aircraft used as AF1 there as well.


2nd Dec 2003, 02:58
Bit of a stir at teesside when GWB came to have his pub lunch recently, as there was barely enough space on the main ramp for both the 747's! the queens flight 146 ended up being parked opposite the Tower outside FRA hanger (god knows what happened to the falcons that are normally parked outside there) and there was some charter jets parked on the GA ramp! and all this for one guy to have dinner.


3rd Dec 2003, 10:17
MMEMatty - does you mean that Blair flew up on the 146?

compressor stall
3rd Dec 2003, 22:02
yep - that is the only piston engined aircraft to be in an airforce one capacity though....

Good sales gimmick - almost as good as getting a retired WW2 jock to develop an aerobatics routine!


3rd Dec 2003, 22:41
Do you guys mean backups in case of mechanical probs etc?

Or decoys......? :E


Noah Zark.
4th Dec 2003, 23:24
Thanks for the answers, folks. VAIRY interesting!!

8th Dec 2003, 07:43
The 2 presidential B747's always travel together. Both aircraft are usually fully loaded with people (press, aides, security people) and other equipment (e.g. his marine helicopter, his bullet proof cars, etc..). While both are usually required for normal presidential travel, either one will either be a decoy and/or a backup. If there are mechanical problems, the president would depart on the other plane and the rest would just have to stay behind (but you can't ask the president to stay behind or wait, obviously). Also, it functions as a decoy, because when approaching the airport for landing, "terrorists" would hardly know if the first aircraft has the president on board or the second one.

As for Airforce 2, thats any aircraft the vice president travels on. Beyond the vice-president, there are no designations.

8th Dec 2003, 10:24
...with a very large and flexible shoehorn perhaps?:ooh: :suspect:

8th Dec 2003, 11:18
If one is a combi then getting the cars in is no problem, I think, but the helicopters must surely come in a C5A?

8th Dec 2003, 12:04
I have not seen it personally, so i could very well be wrong. If i remember correctly i read it from a 'fact sheet' off of a .gov website. I tried to find it again but to no avail. But If i remember correctly, the helicopor gets stored just like all the other equipment - fold the rotors up and you got yourself a oversized 'car'. But again, I can't back any of that up.

8th Dec 2003, 15:58
I would be very surprised if the callsign "Air Force One" was used on his recent Thanksgiving surprise trip to Baghdad!

8th Dec 2003, 16:08
A C5 Galaxy always accompanies Airforce 1 and transports his car, helicopters, and his fleet of secret service GMCs and chevys.
So no they don't carry it all in the 747's.

16th Dec 2003, 13:32
Helicopters and cars on AF-1 !
Since you get to see the area below the main deck whenever you get on the back of the aircraft I can speak with some confidence and say that I have never seen a chopper or car down there. The area contains cargo, comminications gear and general 'stuff'. The helicopters and cars (and sometimes boats) come on either galaxy's, starlifters or globmasters and usually it takes several to bring them all.

16th Dec 2003, 16:02
There is a lot more to the entourage than 'just 2 747's', there is an advance party, which I would guess varies depending on the friendliness of the natives, but a fleet of Black Hawk's is not unknown and also a few C5's and C141's for the vehicles.

16th Dec 2003, 21:08
What happened to the last operational E4b - does that float around overseas with him anymore?

It was operationally dispatched out of Andrews on 9/11...

16th Dec 2003, 22:56
they came in his cargo aircraft many people get confused with the Call sign Air Force One, like some one said above its not a fixed aircraft its the aircraft inwhich he is on at that time.. sorry for repeating what has been said.

21st Jun 2007, 21:58
Actually, there are three 'Air Force One' jets - The ones we'd commonly think of as being 'Air Force 1' (28000 and 29000) which are identical to each other - and a third 747, which is a commercial airliner which will be chartered out/seconded for the day - which might be used if there is a threat to the two other AF1 jets and the pres. has to fly away inconspicuously - or in the event they both break down, aparently! (Yeah, like that'll happen!)

But AF1 isn't a plane, it's a call sign. If President Bush decided to - and this is more likely to happen than both the normal 742's breaking down - take the wright flyer, a DC3 or a Handley Paige it would be classed as Air Force 1.

The only reason those jets are used is because you can control the world from them, as you would from the whitehouse. (If the world chooses to listen :rolleyes:) And they have misiles, and a lot of security stuff you aren't supposed to know about, which is why it's used all the time, especially under Double-ya.

22nd Jun 2007, 02:19
Looking back in time, there was one US President who (on occasion) flew personally his 'own' AF1, which was provided, of course, by the USAF.

Type: AeroCommander 560E

President: Dwight Eisenhower, a licensed civil pilot, for a very long time.