View Full Version : IE4 (or IE5?)

WE Branch Fanatic
22nd Nov 2003, 20:00
Does anyone know where/how I could obtain a free or cheap copy of IE4 or IE5?

I think that IE problems are responsible for many of the ills of this PC, yet the only way I have of reloading it is to reinstall the ISP software - which sounds like a brute force solution.

Any suggestions?

22nd Nov 2003, 20:12
Try here (http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/downloads/archive/default.asp).


23rd Nov 2003, 01:23
If you can get your hands on an old cover CD from a PC mag then they nearly always have a copy of IE to install.

I am only suggesting this as the download may be a little big.

23rd Nov 2003, 06:08

You might find that many sites will now only tolerate IE5.5 or 6 .. online banking sites are well known for this.

Or you could try our old favourite here. (http://www.opera.com) Go to the download section, the ad supported version is free.



PPRuNe Towers
23rd Nov 2003, 20:52
Please have a look at the alternatives out there WEBF - some very good free software is available and tabbed browsers makes the internet a much more productive medium.

I don't think you'll find any of the pro's recommending entirely getting rid of a current version of Explorer on your system as some web designers seem to be suffering Redmond induced Stockholm Syndrome.

We check PPRuNe across all browsers including betas and really do recommend trying the tabbed usurpers to Microsoft's product.
