View Full Version : Desperate....Rules for Nails (the game where one hammers 6 inchers into a log!)

21st Nov 2003, 19:32
Please post the rules here (NVG Nails too please!)

21st Nov 2003, 20:07
Used to play version with 3in nails, last nail in buys the round, one hit per turn, double tappers must buy a round, use small tile hammer and "sharp" face must be used to stike blow.
Advantage of smaller nails is its quicker therefore more rounds.

Athletic version is to crouch on top of log and hit nails in around sides of log. V diff & chaotic when pissed.

21st Nov 2003, 21:40
NVG nails involves heavy use of a blue or yellow cylaume as they are the best. Get you nails tapped in to start and apply cylaume juice over nails. Turn out lights and then each person must hit the nail in one motion starting below the lip of the log. Stand back or else you get covered in cylaume juice!!

Much the same as normal nails, double tappers and last one out buys the drinks. Remeber tactical nails can be played by hitting an oppos nail, dependant on how they are getting on. It is not unusual to not be hit or hit someone else when you only have a few mm to go!!

Hope this helps

22nd Nov 2003, 01:53
I always believed that the rules for 'nails' differed each time the game was played, and in accordance with the amount of Wobbly consumed - you don't really need rules, just the excuse to wield a heavy hammer under the influence !! - many an enjoyable night in the Carrot & Stick and I still have the scars to remind me - happy days !! Hooraahhh ! :ok:

Lord Trenchards Brat
22nd Nov 2003, 05:21
One I can recall is at least two fingers (thats beer consumption)penalty for sparks off the nail. This is rule is normaly enforced when playing wrong hand, backwards and between legs, or when the wives av a go in open play! Ill now duck the rapidly inbound 2 1/2lb Ballpain!:D

22nd Nov 2003, 19:52
Excellent..keep 'em coming..played it in NI once and the 2nd from last fully 'in'! was the loser.

30th Nov 2003, 05:57
I have a vague recollection of playing Nails whilst "slightly" drunk at the last ski champs in some random bar half way up the mountain. Not quite sure how I got down afterwards (probably on my arse) but at least I had all of my fingers intact. Look forward to doing it again in just over a month!