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View Full Version : BT set Triggers for 2,300 Exchanges

19th Nov 2003, 23:57
For those of us still waiting for a 'Trigger' level to be set for their local exchange, this news (http://www.btplc.com/Mediacentre/Archivenewsreleases/2003/nr0345.htm) may offer a glimmer of hope. Details and progress can be checked here (http://www.adslguide.org.uk/availability/btprereg.asp?order=trig).

21st Nov 2003, 02:49
Woo hoo

Only another 181 people to sign up

There is a broadband god :D :D :D

21st Nov 2003, 05:11
Set a trigger? Big deal. Some places have a trigger set at 150, others at 500. Hardly fair. BT dragged their heels for years, saying there wasn't the interest/market then when other's step in to serve the demand BT claims that their exchanges don't have room etc etc ad-nauseum. They still refuse to release the local loop despite it being one of the things they inherited when they became a 'for profit' entity and arguably being infrastructure paid by the taxpayer.

5 or even 10 years ago BT should have started using fibre-optic ias the standard local loop connection into homes. The connection should be part of the ownership of the premises, available for connection to the owners choice of provider. We wouldn't have this problem now. :rolleyes:

BTW, guess which end of the trigger level variation has been set for the 6000 person town I live in?:mad: :mad:

21st Nov 2003, 07:49
I'm as jaundiced as the next man about many things concerning 'BT', but for some of us, just getting a 'trigger' is a big deal. Without one, broadband was just a pipe dream. (Until a few days ago, our local exchange was classified as 'not viable')

I agree that there are probably many anomalies in the trigger levels set for different exchanges, but 'pro rata' seems fair in principle.

21st Nov 2003, 17:01
Unfortunately living in the deepest depths of Surrey... We don't have broadband and last time I checked there wasn't going to be any chance of it in the foreseeable future.

So... if you are broadband enabled is the quaterly charge the same as for a standard line? (I know you pay more for the internet access).

If I m paying the same line rental as someone who is/can be broadband enabled am I not being penalised by paying for something I can't have?

BT is still a monoply despite the 'deregulation' of the phone system. Why doesn't it work like gas and electric?

22nd Nov 2003, 02:43
BT are stupid. They had a threshold in the town I live in - it was 450 and when I looked there were 19. So, we went onto NTL which of course meant BT also lost 2 phone lines as well. Ours was one of 7 houses I know did the same thing.

Thresholds make such good business sense!!

23rd Nov 2003, 07:24
Also, don't get too excited when the trigger level is reached, because unless you're fairly close to the exchange broadband still won't work.

24th Nov 2003, 02:46
Good point, but I've already checked.