View Full Version : Saffer commentator at Nellis (Las Vegas) Airshow?

17th Nov 2003, 06:40
Hi folks

I used to post as Capt. Spud but I lost my login info, oh well so now I am CWNN :O

Anyway, I went to the Nellis Airforce airshow this weekend and heard that lovely Souff Efikan accent (just like mine, except his was more Americanised) on the PA system the whole time I was there.

Who was it? Not that Brian Emmisis (spelling?) guy that did all the airshows back home in SA, was it?

Anyone know who it was and if he is in fact South African. I enjoyed it a lot and it made me feel like I was back at AFB Waterkloof, except for the USD$4.00 crappy beers!



B Sousa
17th Nov 2003, 22:50
Well you could have come over to www.heliusa.com and I would have bought you some real crappy beer. Im in the Phone book if your still in town.

20th Nov 2003, 05:35
Thanks for the invite Bert but I went back to Prescott that afternoon.

I saw a couple of your companies helicopters when I was in Vegas a few weeks earlier, very impressive stuff!

Oh, and if you wanted to know why SA lost the rugby, here is the answer: http://www.news24.com/News24/RWC_2003/RWC_News/0,,2-1529-1530_1446140,00.html



B Sousa
20th Nov 2003, 20:04
CWNN writes:"I saw a couple of your companies helicopters when I was in Vegas a few weeks earlier, very impressive stuff!"

Fortunately its not MY company, I just work there. You obviously didnt see them up close.....ha ha