View Full Version : Opportunities for U.S Pilot abroad

9th Nov 2003, 10:45
I am a 25 year old captain with 3000 hours 1000 as Captain on the Dornier 328 for Usairways Express. Am interested in any pilot opportunities throughout the world. I have been toying around the idea of Emirates or Cathay Pacific, but am I kidding myself? All and any information on this topic would be much appreciated.

9th Nov 2003, 19:39
...Do 328 Jet or Turboprop ? Makes a difference...

Why do you want to go abroad in the first place ? I did my flight training in the States and have been a CFI and freight dog until visa expiration. I would have liked to stay there, wasn't possible though.

Even though the job market probably sucks a$$ over there right now, it's still way better than here, I think.

If you want to go international so bad, I think there will be opportunities. However gathering information is crucial.
Get as much as you can.

What objective do you want to archieve by going international ?

ex-mad dog driver
9th Nov 2003, 21:53
c1721234, I have a little more time than you by about 600hrs but was called for a interview with Cathay. (which I turned down). It is possible with FAA ticket. Good luck.:ok:

10th Nov 2003, 00:39
Reasons being I am looking at the next transition from a D-328 turboprop to an RJ. I would like to make the next step to a large piece of equipment flying and living internationally.... get it out of my system and then if I feel like it come back to the states and plug along to retirement. Tanks for the Cathay Pacific idea I will throw my stuff to them.

14th Nov 2003, 11:24
25 with 3000 hrs eh.

I'm 22 with 250hrs. I started my training when I was 17 years old. Unfortunately I went the structured College route, and I am paying for it huge!!

How the hell did you get 3000 hrs?!?! I couldnt dream of getting a job flying anything larger than a C182 right now, and thats most likely volunteering to drop people out of the sky, or towing gliders!
The airline industry in Canada....sucks.

Is there any immigration experts out there?
My father was born in Denmark, does that in any way give me an advantage to getting a working visa there?
Is there anywhere else I can go, without $$converting$$ my Canadian Licenses??



14th Nov 2003, 19:43
Hey Chris,

If you are instructing, hang in there. If not, consider getting your CFI. I started at about the same age and got on with a regional at 23...only to be furloughed for two years after 6 months.

If you want to go abroad, your chances right now are not so good as the industry is in a down cycle all over. But, use your father's connection with Denmark. What I mean is, as soon as you read this call the Danish embassy or consulate nearest you. Tell them you want to apply for a Danish citizenship. Hope that you can get it, because to live or work in the EU is very difficult if you are not a citizen or married to one.

I did the exact same thing, my parents are from Denmark and I got the citizenship. I did have to live there for 6 months, but rules may have changed. If you do not get an EU citizenship then you can give up working there, almost. Once you get it, then worry about a license conversion, that's my biggest problem.

Good luck.