View Full Version : Pan Pan Pan Netjets Interview In 3 Days.

7th Nov 2003, 18:05
Hi All,

Well I got called last night for an Interview with Netjets in Gatwick early next week.

Anyone got any info on the interview?

It seems like things have been moving rather quickly for the last 2 months in the industry,maybe thanks to EasyJet,Ryan Air,Emirates etc..

I wish for all of you to keep faith,one day will come.

Thank you in advance,


south coast
7th Nov 2003, 21:24
hi there .85

i am interested in sending a cv to net jets, could you please tell me to what address and whom it is best to send one to.

also, if you could tell me how their rotors/shifts work.

many thanks.

Chippie Chappie
7th Nov 2003, 22:47
M.85 - WELL DONE! Would like to be there myself, but don't have a full ATPL (and won't for some time unfortunately) so I'll have to wait a bit.

Haven't done the interview myself, but did attend the open day at Gatwick a few weeks age. From what the boss said you'll be in the interview room with a panel of 3-4 and they'll have a fairly informal chat with you. They apparently base most of their decision on how they think you'll interact with the clients, i.e. how "customer focused" you are rather than how many hours you have and say that they've generally made up their mind within the first 15 minutes. If they like you, you'll do a sim ride.

Hopefully someone else might be able to provide some more detail.



8th Nov 2003, 04:31
Also off to 'Gatters'. Would also be pleased to receive any info on interview. Doesn't seem to be much written on the subject. Have never asked NJ pilots what they went through, as I didn't expect to be in this situation. Ta for any tips.

Capt Crash
8th Nov 2003, 23:55
I can tell you about my interview with NJE, this was some time ago:

Company Briefing

Sim check

Application Paperwork


I think they now interview and offer a sim if you pass. The interview was pretty informal with a mix of tech questions and customer driven questions.

I passed so it can't be too tough.


Yes, I have heard Britannia is an excellent airline from a fellow Netjets pilot. He left Britannia because he liked the Netjets roster (still 6 on 5 off), quickish time to command and variety of flying. Horses for courses.

Who do you fly for Dogma and what makes you the expert on Netjets?

9th Nov 2003, 06:33
Which aircraft are you "likely" to fly when you start for Netjets? How is your aircraft selection based - flight time/experience or need at the time? Also, which London airport seems to field the most Netjets flights?

Can someone give us an example of a typical trip? I'd love to hear about the countries visited on a typical trip. Can someone provide a glimpse into the life of a Netjets Europe pilot (e.g., UK to Ireland to France on first day. France to Belgium to Italy the second day...). I agree the potential variety of flying seems very appealing.

Generator 1
9th Nov 2003, 17:30
Hi M.85,

Interview is fair; just be yourself and be honoust.

Sim-check should be treated like your companies OPC or LPC. What is important : CRM, Pers. attitude and basic flying and IFR skills. Sim can be anything but in Gatwick probably the Hawker700.

A Netjets tour is normally 6 days and destinations depending on fleet.

Operation is very professional and aircraft are operated like airliners. You fly a business jet like you would fly your 737 for a national carrier.

Good luck.

Capt Crash
9th Nov 2003, 17:42
To answer your questions as best I can whilst watching the rugby:

You will be placed on an aircraft type based on your experience and the need to balance experience across the fleets. You don't want all you high time pilots on the Falcon or GIV and just have the less experienced guys on the Cessna’s. Also the company needs pilots on types it's selling the most of e.g. the C560XL and C550B.

We all fly just about the same routes most of the time, with the bigger aircraft doing the odd long haul flight. We all work as hard as each other and in fact the Bravo crews probably work the hardest with no apu!

So to answer your question, the company will decide what you start on with the option to change fleets later. Why does it matter (apart from the pay!!) size doesn't matter that much.

The average tour doesn't exist. You will airline out of LHR to meet your aircraft and spent 6 days with it. You will fly from West Ireland to Russia and from Northern Finland to Africa and all point in between. Sometimes you find yourself doing the London Paris run a few times but every tour I end up at an airfield I have never been to before. I do spent quite some time on the Hoover and cleaning 'cause there is no one else to do it. You will have to go the extra mile to keep the owners happy and it is expected that you can solve your own catering problems/handing difficulties etc.

It is a great job and I love it. I work hard for the 6 days then I have 5 off and the phone doesn't go and I can spent some quality time off with my loved ones, the golf clubs!!

The company is changing, we are getting better but we are still growing and sometimes things fall between the cracks. If you are flexible and enjoy variety it is the job for you.

9th Nov 2003, 22:02
Just curious.....since I wold love an operation like NetJet's.

How many hours do you have to have to be taken into consideration?? And do they employ pilots without previous jet experience??

Capt Crash
9th Nov 2003, 22:24
Just for your information:

1500 hrs TT required, jet not needed but nice to have.

You can live anywhere in Europe (within an hour of a MAJOR international airport).

Money €40 - €50 thousand dependant on type + Per Diems.

Health insurance for you and the family.

Write to:

Pilot Recruitment
Avenida Das Descobertas
Galerias Alto Da Barra Piso 4
2780 053

The company is trying to write to all applicants but this
is proving difficult and expensive so you may not get a response, no hard feelings just reality of running a busy operation. The company is looking for lots of pilots!! So if you fancy it send your CV!!

10th Nov 2003, 01:03
Capt. Crash, is it worth applying if you are a couple hundred hours short of the 1500TT or is it an insurance requirement to have the minimum hours? Also is Netjets Europe directly linked to Netjets in the States?

Capt Crash
10th Nov 2003, 02:11
The 1500 hrs is an insurance figure and cannot be reduced, however if you're 50 hrs or so short apply and you may get called??

Yes, Netjets Europe is linked to Netjets in the US. We are both owned by the same company and the companies work very closely together.

10th Nov 2003, 03:12
Hi guys,

I have to say it's quite hard to get a response from netjets,
I've allready sent my application twice and I'm still waiting for an answer, Oh well...

Nevertheless I meet the basic requirements I have now 2100 hours which includes just under 500 hours on the B737 with the rest on the SD3-60....

Anyway where can you be based in France, is Nice an option?

I shall one more time send again my CV :D



Capt Crash
10th Nov 2003, 04:14
Nice is a very good gateway - I think it is the second busiest airport in France!

10th Nov 2003, 04:32
Yep Capt crash it is quite busy down there!!!

Do you know if they have crews based there? or in Cannes ?



Capt Crash
10th Nov 2003, 04:55
I know 3 or 4 guys who live there. We don't have formed crews based anywhere, you will be airlined to you a/c and crew.

Good school (Brit) in Cannes but just too many people down there for me.

10th Nov 2003, 05:01
Thx for the post Capt Crash...

Yep Cannes is a bit busy but I wouldn't mind living in Juan les Pins again!

Anyway do you know by any chance if you guys are still recruiting?


Capt Crash
10th Nov 2003, 05:05
Yes we are recruiting and will be for the next few months.

10th Nov 2003, 05:11
Well I'll have to keep trying......



10th Nov 2003, 18:03

Can you give some details about your experience and maybe about the interview after you have finished it.

Thanks JB

10th Nov 2003, 23:23
Dear All,

Very impressed and happy about all the answers given to help for my future interview....
Nico si tu astoujours mon numero appelle moi on etait a manchester ds le meme appart...
Hows your gf?going back to MAN?


i forgot..
I will of course let you know the inside info such as how many pilots required,hours average,interview process,bases as soon as im done.

Capt crash now you make me nervous telling me about all these places you fly to and the company sounds great....really want that job now...

Safe flying to all,


12th Nov 2003, 18:53
Hey Mach .85,

Good luck for today, As for me my Britatruc Interview was quite hard,
not enough time...
Will see...

Keep us informed after yours...!!!

So Long ....


14th Nov 2003, 19:52
Hi All,

Interview was last Wednesday..I must say I was very impressed with Netjets introduction,they seem to really care about their crews and it made me realise that Corporate is the way to go..
Why would one want to fly for a charter which makes you pay for your seat and dumps you after 6 months..and you find yourself without a job for the winter..I dont think its the future for us..
NetJets Director of Operations is from Oklahoma and made me remember how down to earth and professional are these Americans..(he said some about clients not giving RATs ASS about the food but very demanding on the pilots..)long time since I heard this phrase..wouldnt come out of a BA DO i believe.
They are proud of giving excellent training,(much more than the airline,including aerobatics lessons for all their crews in Texas!),the pay wont make you a millionnaire how they said but the possibility to live wherever you want (one hour within a major airport)and move easily within Europe.Some pilots live up north in the summer and migrate to the Southern coutries during witer time..
The interview was the American way,no technical questions just some common sense,not that easy when 5 people are watching your every move...but feasible I guess.
2 pilots and the Do plus HR lady and Cabin Crew Rep.
The 2 pilots were very friendly as they approach you outside the interview office,people youd fly with anytime.
They have interviewed 60 people,and the ones selected will be invited to a sim session in Amsterdam or Gatwick next week.
They are planning to hire 70 more in the next 6 months.
The other selected guys with me were 2 cabin crews(very cute and friendly),one swedish(ex SAS),2 frenchs(both ex airforce pilots,one ex Navy pilot and Swiss Crew),4 or 5 Uk with various experience,heard of Hercules..)...wonder why they picked me apart from having flown in the US as a freight dog...
Age were varying between 28(me) ,36 and i guess around 45 years old.

I must say that the corporate world is very appealing for someone looking to explore their 140 destinations countries ,flexible and who likes the direct contact with people(FBO agents and clients) rather than being in a 737 seat and never get to meet the passengers..

Its a choice.It is mine if i get through for sure.

An American owned airline operating in the Europe,what more can one ask...

Thank you all for your answers/questions and PPRUNE for this excellent website:I will try to answer the Pmessages now.

Safe Flying,


14th Nov 2003, 23:26
Hey Machtruc décimal 85,

Well I really hope you'll get through!!!
It sounds great and I would love to part of them.
So you should know in a week time...

My first assesment day with Britatruc was pretty hard but
somehow I'm invited for the second assesment, so will see...

Good luck for the future .85 !

Asta luego.


Wrong Sisters
15th Nov 2003, 19:18

I really do wish you the best for the next phase but trust me those rose tinted spectacles you're wearing will come off after the 6 month or so honeymoon period is over.

"they seem to really care about their crews " No they only care about not having to charter out and the company is growing far too quickly. If its all so rosy how come 4 Brits have resigned recently?

15th Nov 2003, 20:27

Only heard of one resigning,didnt ask him why.I am sure he has his reasons and the three other brits too.
A honey moon of 6 months... seems great !!at the moment im single,cant be worth than that.
Nico,Congrats for your Britatruc 2nd day assessment schedule.
What does it include?you see you arent that bad at Psychometrics and group work as you mentionned me since ive known you.

Safe flying to you and I truly wish you all the best.


16th Nov 2003, 13:45
M.85 and Nico,

Good luck and let us know how things go for you. Any idea about which aircraft type or is it too early for that?

16th Nov 2003, 18:00
Hey Mach.85,

Thanks dude, Will see how it goes, Actually the second day at britatruc is 2 group exercises then a short company introduction.
The 3rd day is a personal interview then latter a Sim.

When will you know about Netjets?

It sounds really great...

keep up the good work !

See you soon

LvL CHG : I did not get an interview with Netjets, I'm currently trying with Britatruc, I sent about 3 applications to netjets....

So long,


And AMEX Where are You?

16th Nov 2003, 21:10

No idea about the A/C yet..need to get to the sim first..but will let you know.


When is your group exercise thing?Maybe you should make a cake or bring some pastis 51?;) ,
Hows your sister?:O


does it mean you have to fly to LTN 2 more times?
Spendy this aviation business..

16th Nov 2003, 21:23
Hey M.850,

My second assesment day is this wednesday, and I'm going back to Liverpool tomorrow, then I'll take my old but distinguish Bimma to luton this tuesday then spend one night and the next day interview.

YES it's costing me quite a lot to go there !!!

But no other options !!!

Still haven't heard from Bmi Baby so...

As far as the money goes it's getting pretty tough...

So long my friend...



Lala is doing good she just got a CDI with her company so all is well, she's waiting for YOU !!!

16th Nov 2003, 21:38
I was supposed to spend the week in Marseille but didnt go as I couldnt enjoy my time there without knowing about netjets first.
Im sure ill get down there sometime later maybe may when tourists arent too many there yet and the sea warm enough..maybe the marseillois will finally learn how to speak english with new flights from gatwick..can only be good for the city..
I havent sent a new application form to britatruc since i had already done so 2 months ago..14 pages to fill plus pics just to write the same thing didnt make sense..
Is there a chat room we could speak more without having to bother other ppruners with our life?


16th Nov 2003, 23:00
With all due respect as to why YOU were called for an interview, it is because you can be easily trained into the NJE culture being a low time pilot, hungry and eager to do the job.......very experienced pilots are for the most part considered persona non-grata mainly because they won't put up with any commercial or scheduling pressures....high time pilots do not fit into the 'culture'....things they don't tell you in the interview, while the DFO avoids eye contact.....
1. When does your duty day start? Hypothetical scenario: your gateway is LHR, you live 1 hour away and your positioning flight departs at 08:00. You will be starting your tour in NCE, remembering that your show time is 90 min. before your departure as an operating crew member........according to the Portuguese Authority you can operate up to a 12hr. duty day if you complete 4 landings.......I will venture a wild guess to say you'll be most probably setting your alarm at 05:00.....and at best, with a 08:00 departure and a slot time of 08:20 you'll be in GVA on the gate by say 10:15.....now you'll have to make your way to the FBO thet will take :45 min and then if everything is running smoothly you'll be all set for your 11:00 showtime and a 12:30 departure........now would you hazard a guess as to how long a day you will have and how long will YOU operate commander, in the interest of safety???.........while on the subject of safety.....
2. Will you enter a defect in the tech log commander, effectively grounding the aircraft ( in the interest of safety) Before or After you receive approval from your fleet manager sitting in a restaurant in Estoril ........as if the B or A will make any difference to the obvious technical defect?? Are you the commander or not?
3. Do you get a glimpse of the contract at the interview, especially the part about the 'termination clause'
4. Don't forget that if you don't get the Falcon you WILL vacuum the A/C and you WILL clean the LOO.......

Just a little food for thought.......... take the rose coloured glasses off ........ if the a/c doesn't have an after-burner on the back it's just another job!!!!

17th Nov 2003, 01:37

Jammers, a job is a job, there are pros and cons about any airline...
And who is a low time pilot?

Hey Mach.85,

It's too bad you didn't come to LFML this WE, anyway I'm heading back to LPL tomorrow.

I don't know where we can chat, you could go to:
www.aeronet-fr.org puis vers forums and chat.

But unfortunately I don't have a computer up there so...

I know the application form from britatruc is quite long!!!

Try again with some others like baby, globespan etc...

Hopefully you will soon be invited for a sim ride with NetJ !


N. :)

17th Nov 2003, 13:04
Quick question: what is Britatruc? Is that BritAir or is it Britannia?


I would rather clean a new Bravo/Excel after flying to exotic destinations than fly the same old route structure day after day. There are plusses and minusses to every aviation job. Sure, cleaning the loo would not be so pleasant, but flying to different destinations everyday in advanced aeroplanes and staying in nice hotels would help to dull the pain. It would be a small price to pay for being able to live all over Europe (near an airport) vs. near one key hub. You highlight a few of the negatives (I know plenty Easyjet pilots who are exhausted after their rotations - being tired is nothing new in this business) and none of the positives...

It is clear you are very jaded and in need of a career change. Quit whinging and get out while you can!

17th Nov 2003, 16:52
Dobridien !!!


Britatruc = Miss Britannia...

LvL ChG you are quite right...

M85 Good luck I'll keep my fingers crossed !!!

Hopefully We'll be all flying soon...

So Long.


17th Nov 2003, 21:07

I see and respect your point of view.
However not to sound against all ROYAL WAY to become a pilot(ie ENAC school,Integrated,armay),I must tell you that some pilots are eager to work and are willing to make sacrifices in life.
My experience has a freight pilot for a small company didnt only include the flying part.
I have fueled,loaded and yes cleaned the A/Cs!before my flight(metros and 1900s) and sometimes helping the Mechanics to do some of their jobs which one wouldnt need a Mech degree to do(vacuming,painting props,flight test after an engine replacement...)
I have been flying and living in places like FARGO(North Dakota),Sioux Falls(SD),LAke Charles louisina where temp in one could get as low as -40C and in other +40 with lots of MOSTIQUOS...
Been cold out of sioux falls when i could barely drive to the airport due to high winds and blowing snow,having to wait in A/C more than an hour because ups wanted me there,after havimg driven the fuel truck(mech werent there at 3 am..)and fueled the plane myself..and given 5 min to T/O by the airport manager before they had to close the airport..flew with snowboard gloves as my fingers were sticking to the thrust lever!
on the hot side,Wichita had its load of daily thunderstorms,hail,freezing rain...
Oh yes sometimes i wished to be back in europe and not having to fly in such conditions but you earn your way and chance to stay as an expat.
How many times i had to fly with bad engines,overweight,overtime..had to use owner signature..
But yes sometimes i had to say no..because i couldnt if a problem ie engine failure i wouldnt be able to land due to fogged up state and around states...landed in undefinite ceilings,1800rvr..and no autopilot.
The Radar wa a plus but when the company tells you they fixed it for you and in flight when it gets darker you turn it on and **** nothing...you get pissed off and get help from the controllers the best you can..
Yes life wasnt always pink either when i slept in evrynight in an fbo lounge in a sleeping bag to be woken up with a ****ty wx..
I dont regret i have done it because i proved that i could do it and gave the company which allowed me to move up in my career what they expected from me.

And nothing compares to a flight with beautiful weather on a sat morning going back home for the week end..thats if theydont call you when u land to take ac back to base for inspection..

And this without a f/o to help as it was single pilot.Oh yes i brought friends along for an extra pair of eyes in low viz and someone to talk to...

So you see,cleaning an ac is not big deal and serving coffee either..

Safe flying,


17th Nov 2003, 22:14
Just got an email from Netjets DO.

"Thank you for taking the time to come and meet us last week in Gatwick.It was a pleasure to meet you.As briefed.we will let you know as soon as possible how we intend to proceed.We will work as expeditiously on this as possible.Thank you for your interest in NetJets"

If this is not stress inducing i dont know what is...i am about to turn MAD...


18th Nov 2003, 02:01
Good luck M.85

I grew up a hour and a half form Sioux Falls. Thank God you made it out alive!

What was the company you were working for?

18th Nov 2003, 22:07
hi flat tire..

You understand i cant tell you this information for my security and my ex airline.


19th Nov 2003, 04:14
Jammers your remarks about low time pilots just don’t tally with the facts. Most NetJets guys n girls have either done a lot of GA or military flying or several years with a good european airline. Haven’t met anyone matching the description ‘low time pilot, hungry and eager to do the job’ – just a load of people that seem very happy with their lot.

I was dreading an airline job after leaving the mob. At least in NJE I can still interact with the people I fly and the big improvement is that I can take some pride in the quality of the service I provide for them.

....and another thing - what's all this afterburner nonsense:yuk:

20th Nov 2003, 22:17
Dear ROBO,

Havent been contacted by NJE yet.Sim was supposely this week..so I figure if i dont get called by tomorrow,the chances are slim I got the sim..
Do you know how many they take out of the 60 they interviewed?

Safe Flying,


22nd Nov 2003, 23:14
Have just been called at the last minute to a NetJets interview/sim ride in Amsterdam next week.

Can anyone tell me whats involved in the inteview? Do I have to bone up for a lot of tech questions?
Any help/advice gratefully received....

23rd Nov 2003, 12:45
M.85 Please check your PM.

23rd Nov 2003, 23:03
ROBO, if you knew the facts you would agree they tally.....OCT. 20th Indoc......female fron the Dutch Antilles 1500hrs TT turboprop 500hrs ATR 42.........ex RAF chopper pilot 3000 rotary wing and 500 hrs. C-172........4 ex crossair 1700 hrs more than happy to work a 18hr. duty day....those a but a few of the FACTS....I'm glad you are happy to interact with the people you fly with that's what CRM is all about or did you mean the owners is the back who would be very interested in your personal life history......pride in your quality of work provide is something every good servant should have....(what a load of crap)
Now on to LVL CHG, if you can get through the honeymoon mentality you have regarding this particular company you will, hopefully pick up on your own jaded view and before suggesting to a fellow pilot to get a career change you should maybe try getting a job first, then that might qualify you to comment, and recognize the difference between a whinge and the reality of working for NJE......
.85, you are a gentleman with forsight and experience and while my career progressed from airforce to airline, I didn't have to fly broken airplanes because the company told me so, hence the info in my original thread and the needed approval to make any decision on the line(with the concurrence of the fleet manager).......I would welcome a PM from yourself if I can help at all with any of your questions....... I know the guys who do the sim checks:ok:

Capt Crash
24th Nov 2003, 02:06

I have read your post 5 times and cannot understand what you are trying to say.

One point I have to highlight is your suggestion that NJE work 18 hour duty days. That is illegal and you are a fool if you allow yourself to get in that situation. I don't know about you but I carefully check my duty hours and I warn operations if I am getting close to the edge.

I will NOT break the law for anyone and you are letting yourself and the company down if you are stupid enough to fly when have exceeded your maximum duty.

P.S. Jammers I see from a post dated 5 June 2003 you said:

"What do they pay their Captain's at Netjets and are they married to their pager???"

I know you're an employee but why do you want to stir it up in such a public way? If you don't like it in the kitchen either change it or get out.

Ride On
26th Nov 2003, 05:21

"Its seems things are moving rather fast over the last two months"

With all your new job offers on the table for you, then why, oh why would you want to pay for your type rating, which is what you said on other posts-****!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All up and coming F/O's be warned dont fall into the same trap as young M.85

A fool and his money are soon parted, and everybody is somebodies fool!

I wish you luck in the job hunting, I hope you get to fly with a good bunch of guys that can give you guidance cos you need it!

Cool For Cats:cool:

26th Nov 2003, 19:18

Thanks for letting me know what i need,but my friend,calm down and think...
You may have seen that i bought a type rating,but it was merely one of the CAA requirements to get my JAA ATPL initial issue from my FAA ATPL.
If you feel better ,im not looking to buy another one for many reasons...
Hope you get yourseld a comfy couch and a ciggi to relax.

Safe flying,


1st Dec 2003, 16:21
This post seems to have gone a bit quiet....
Has anyone had any success (or failure!) ?
Did everyone that attended Gatwick, get an answer back ?
How was the sim for those that attended ?

1st Dec 2003, 18:16

Still no news here after 2 weeks.
Sent them an email to find out last thursday.


4th Dec 2003, 23:40
for the people interviewed on the 11 and 12 of November,Netjets europe HR will take a decision by the end of this week.
Better to know soon than just waiting in hopes..

Safe Flying,


6th Dec 2003, 16:00
Hi M.85,

Received a letter from Portugal, it arrived this morning. Guessed it was coming, as, I didn't get a phone call last night. All very polite and upbeat, but no sim ride!

For the (off the) record. I have 3000 hours, included are 1500 jet hours, and am rated on one of NJ's aircraft types. We operate to similar destinations and undetake a similar operating scenario, e.g. meet and greet, sweeping, catering, baggage loading, washing up and, of course, fly an airplane.

The but is. I've only been in aviation a few years, and I'm over 50. I am not looking to retire at 60, want to continue for as long as I can, as I'm still V.keen. Think I might start a thread on employment for the over 50's with low hours/experience.

Best of luck M.85, I'm off to dust down some c.v's!

Leerpit 35

6th Dec 2003, 18:31
Good pal of mine got a similar letter today.
Age 50
3500 P1 Citation inc Excel & Bravo ratings.
15 years in "meet & greet" envoironment.

Perhaps a bit overqualified ? - waste of a good chap.....!
I wonder what they want ?

6th Dec 2003, 20:56
Dear Leerpit,

I am sorry to hear that.What a waste indeed.
I also wonder what they are looking for..If they decided to interview you I dont see why the age would matter???
They asked me how old i was in the middle of the interview(28),why??cant they do the maths off the cv?
The problem is that Mr Matthew really made Netjets sound great and I would be quite disappointed not to get the sim.
I didnt get a call on Friday either..my letter must be in the mail I guess.Oh well...maybe it wasnt meant to be.

I really hope you you get a position soon and enjoy the last 10 years of your career.
It really makes me mad!:\

Best Regards and safe flying in your future job.


6th Dec 2003, 21:42

Does Net Jets Europe require you to have the rights to work in the EU or would it be possible to just have the right to work in the UK? I understand you can live in the UK as long as you are near an international airport.

It will be a couple of years before I have the rights to work in the EU and I am not sure how long the wife wants to stay in the UK. I would really like to work for a company like Net Jets with the possibility to transfer to Net Jets U.S.

Any insight or suggestions would be great.


6th Dec 2003, 22:21
Dear Flat-tire,

I believe anyone who has the right to work in the UK has the right to work in all "shangen"(not sure of spelling),that is from portugal to sweden..excluding Switzerland of course.
Concerning the possibility to be transfered to NetJets US,I asked them during the interview as I love the USA.
Apparently,eventhough NJE is part of NJUS,the transfer wouldnt be that simple.As a European of course (like me)its not possible as the US Unions wouldnt approve it.If you are american it might be different.
In that case if you have eperience with NJE,it would be easy i think to get a job on the other side of the atlantique.

Hope that helps?


and most of their business isout of the UK at the moment,so id think it wouldnt be a problem if you like rain and fog:cool:

7th Dec 2003, 16:05
The UK is not a member of Schengen.

7th Dec 2003, 22:52
Cheers M.85,
Ta for the message. Just coz I got a dear John, doesn't necessarily mean you got one also. If it ain't arrived by now, could mean your still in the runnin'
Keep pluggin' on.


8th Dec 2003, 18:40
That is correct ,UK is not part of shengen,my fault.
I got the mail today:( ..oh well..maybe it wasnt meant to be..damn it though it sounded like a sweet job..
NEXT! no interviews scheduled,thats the problem..
Hope you get one soon and im looking to immigrate to canada or going back to the uSA,could egt married there..will see..i give Europe another 3 months to make up their mind and give me a jockey job..

Safe Flying,


leer,forgot a thing,..theres a UK company which plans to get loads of lear45s...ill get the name and contact today and will forward it to you..

9th Dec 2003, 04:12

Sorry to hear you got a letter from nje:( I would have thought job opportunities were a lot better in the States?
Thanks for the thought on the Lear45.
Good hunting


11th Dec 2003, 19:30

check your pm.


13th Dec 2003, 16:45
Thanks for PM have sent you reply.