View Full Version : Is CXF Recruiting DE/FOs??

4th Nov 2003, 10:24
My friend is looking to get on with CX as a Direct Entry FO for the Freighter in North America.

Are they hiring at the moment, and if so, what is the best way to get an interview/application etc. And what time frame are we looking at from initial contact to interview etc..


6th Nov 2003, 01:22
Yes, they are interviewing for direct-entry FOs in North America. I know a number of people who have had interviews in New York and Vancouver.

The easiest way to get started is to just email Cathay a resume (the email address is on their website in the section about jobs). I emailed my resume and in about two weeks I had an application in my hands. I sent it in a few weeks ago, but I haven't heard anything yet other than a letter confirming that they have my application on file. Some of my friends received phone calls during the night about 5 days after receiving that letter, and they were given dates for their first interviews.