View Full Version : NAS Influences State Governments

Niles Crane
4th Nov 2003, 07:46
State transport ministers will be meeting next week in Canberra to adopt new road rules. These new rules have been influenced by the NAS and their desire to make Road rules less restrictive for private car owners.

The new rules will be as follows:

1. When enroute, ie, between traffic intersections, private vehicles will travel in the Right lane at all times. trucks, Buses and taxies will travel in the Left lane. To facilitate these changes, all roads will be upgraded to Dual Carriage ways. As enroute is low risk, all drivers are requested to look out the window for vehicles turning as indicators are no longer required.

2. At hight traffic intersections, now called "A" interesections, traffic lights will be installed. (Controlled Intersections).

3. At medium density intersections, (Uncontrolled Intersections) round abouts will be installed, now called "D" intersections.

4. At all other intersections, all Give way and Stop signs will be removed to facilitate traffic flow as the risk of collision is low. Now called "G" intersections.

Their is now no need to stop or give way at any intersection as round abouts assist traffic flow for medium levels of traffic and at "G" intersections the traffic is so low that looking out the window is all that is required as their is a lot of space between vehicles. (Big Road Theory)

This system is Worlds Best Practise as these are the rules that are in place in most places in the world, particularly Third World countries.

Education will be in place well before the introduction on 1 December 2004.

4th Nov 2003, 19:33
Erm... Didn't follow all that mate.

Perhaps you are suggesting a system that supplies the maximum service (multi-lane separated carriageways, traffic lights, careful surveillance by traffic authority cameras and regular police patrols) where the most traffic is, a medium service (dual carriageways, roundabouts, stop signs) where there is a medium level of traffic and the minimum (uncontrolled intersection, give way to the right) where it is rare to see another car from yours.

Well that sounds like a good idea to me:8 Fit the airspace class & service to match the risk.

Is NAS giving the APPROPRIATE level of protection for an airliner descending to Launceston/Hobart etc. or flogging between BN & AD in a headwind at FL220? I don't think so, and thats before they start experimenting with removing traffic info in G (NOT what they do in the US.):p :p :p

Duff Man
4th Nov 2003, 19:55
Don't forget the stage to be introduced next year:
To provide full compliance with the US traffic model, all roundabouts will be removed and replaced with the standard 4-way stop intersection. It "works" in the US, where there are a lot more vehicles than Oz.