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View Full Version : Where's Com 4 gone?

Aim Far
30th Oct 2003, 21:07
I was running Windows 98 but decided to get XP so I could do some digital video editing of footage shot on my summer flying trip. I installed XP which runs fine but doesn't support my modem. So I uninstalled XP to get back to 98 so I could use my modem to get the new drivers before I upgraded again.

Now, however, Windows 98 will not detect the modem at all. It was on Com 4 and Coms 3 and 4 have now disappeared from device manager. Following the troubleshooter, I can report that they are listed as 0000 0000 in debug and there is no dial tone from the modem when using "echo atdt>com4" on command prompt.

The driver is still there under windows/system but won't install because windows can't autodetect the modem. I tried uninstalling and removing the modem then putting it back in but that didn't work either. The modem is an internal motorola SM56 if that makes any difference.

Any ideas what to try next?

(its 98 SE by the way)

30th Oct 2003, 21:51
I found these comments about the SM56:

Q: "When I run the diagnostics under the win98 modem properties it tells me that it cannot open the comm port. What is the best way to get Windows to assign a valid comm port to this modem? I have tried the Windows modem setup routine and that doesn't work. The modem gets set up but when I run the diag. it cannot find the modem on the comm port I select. Any help will be appreciated."

A: First, DON'T use the drivers from the CD that came with the modem. Go on the Motorola site and get the newest version and also get their 'cleaner' program. Decompress your drivers to an empty folder. Then remove the modem from the system by clicking the 'modem' icon from the control panel. Run the cleaner program to remove all your drivers. Shut down your computer.

Second, Turn on your computer and enter your BIOS (usually you press the 'Delete' key on startup) and disable all your COM ports there (it's in the Integrated Peripherals if you have an Award BIOS), if you have a serial mouse, leave the COM1 there.

When you boot Windows let it try to find the modem (if you didn't run the cleaner, it will be reinstalled as before) and redirect it to the folder where you decompressed the new drivers.

That should do it I think. I remember that the SM-56 installed itself on COM5 (it assigns a new COM port apparently, but that prevented me from using DOS programs from the prompt, because they didn't recognize a COM5). Also I remember that it didn't behave as a normal modem when you ran the diagnostic from the modem properties (I don't remember if it gave me a can't 'open port' error) but I think this is ok if the modem dials allright.

I hope this helps you, but I can also give you another advice; toss it in the garbage when you can afford another modem, trust me it's worth it..

Also you can create additional com ports. In add hardware you need at least up to comm4 as the sm56 likes to be on comm4 or 5. After you create these additional comm ports then install your software"

Drivers (http://www.motorola.com/softmodem/driver.htm). Removal instructions (http://www.modem-help.co.uk/help/isa-sm56clean.html). ISA & PCI uninstall utilities & repeat drivers. (http://www.modem-help.co.uk/help/links.html)

Naples Air Center, Inc.
31st Oct 2003, 04:12
Aim Far,

If you have the SM56 Speakerphone Modem (Data/Fax/Voice) there is a WinXP Driver for it:

SM56 Speakerphone Modem (http://www.motorola.com/softmodem/data-fax-voice.htm#DFVwinXP)

If you have the SM56 SoftModem (Data/Fax) there is a Win2k Driver that should work under WinXP:

SM56 SoftModem (http://www.motorola.com/softmodem/data-fax.htm#DFwin2000)

If you spend any amount time online, you should really think about getting a full modem, Softmodems (also known as WinModems) are not really modems, they are just the jacks for the phone. Your CPU does all the work for generating the tones for the modem. That is why people with WinModems, always notice how their computer slows down while they are online.

U.S. Robotics makes some of the best modems for people that spend a lot of time online. Their PCI Performance Pro line and their external modems are excellent.

Take Care,


Aim Far
31st Oct 2003, 21:54
Thanks Richard and ORAC

I know there's an XP driver for the modem. Unfortunately, I work for a company with a restrictive internet access policy ie access to download sites and smut and bomb making sites etc is blocked :rolleyes: So I can't download anything at work so I need to get the home modem going on Windows 98 in order to get the driver.

Tried disabling the com ports briefly last night but it still didn't find the modem. I will keep trying over the weekend.