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View Full Version : Outlook 'go-slow'

24th Oct 2003, 02:25
I'm having a bit of an annoying problem with Outlook. When I run it it takes minutes before it sorts itself out. I cleared all my emails from my inbox but it still takes ages. I then tried setting it not view emails but go to 'Outlook today'.

It still took minutes.

Any ideas?

I am running Outlook 2002 in Windows XP, On an AMD Athlon 1700+.

Anyone else suffered the same problems?


24th Oct 2003, 03:07
Yeah - I think it stems from the fact that Outlook is a P-O-S.

Recently did a clean install of XP and Outlook now starts up reasonably sprightly compared to before...

... until I get a few messages in the inbox again no doubt.

Same thing happens with Word - OK when you first install it, but after using it for a couple of months takes ages to open even the simplest documents.

Bill Gates in league with Intel and Western Digital, methinks.

Mac the Knife
25th Oct 2003, 15:48
Yup, AFAIK all versions of Outlook are slow to start up and shut down - though less irritating in fast machines.

Forgive my ignormance, but what is a P-O-S ?

Software ?

[Actually, I'm still using OL98 and find it a quite useful PIM]

25th Oct 2003, 15:54
Piece of Sh*t.... is perhaps more a more appropriate acronym.... ;)

26th Oct 2003, 04:12
Thanks for the replies. I am still mystified though as it has suddenly got much much worse. From taking 3 seconds to taking almost a minute.

