View Full Version : BHAB Dinner

22nd Oct 2003, 19:26
Anyone going to the BHAB Dinner on the 6 November?http://www.theconnection.org/content/2002/10/23/1023jamesbond173.jpg

22nd Oct 2003, 20:23
The name is Bond..... Stephen Bond.....

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Flying Lawyer
2nd Nov 2003, 20:11
I'm going.
Hope it's not just going to me on a table of my own and the VIPs on top table. :eek:

Nigel Osborn
3rd Nov 2003, 04:44

Who said you could print my photo????

5th Nov 2003, 04:00
Flying Lawyer

Of course your on the top table, with me!

8th Nov 2003, 06:18
So how was it then? Everyone behave with decorum? Or was it like those GAMTA bashes?

Flying Lawyer
9th Nov 2003, 19:54
It was a splendid evening held at the Institute of Directors in Pall Mall.

About 400 people attended and, as always, it was a good chance to see old friends and catch up with news. I'm obviously not the only one who thought that - the bar was still going strong when I left at about 1 am.

The Chairman's speech was good, and just the right length - exactly 22 minutes. The Eric Brown Award went to Captain Nick Norman of Bristows this year.

The naval and military atmosphere of the old 'In and Out' Club where the Dinner was held until it closed a few years ago was better for a helicopter gathering, but the IoD building is one of the most beautiful privately-owned buildings in London.*

There were quite a few Rotorheads there. I heard the forum mentioned in conversation several times, and always in favourable terms. It was clear many professional pilots read Rotorheads to keep up with what's happening in the industry even though they don't join in the discussions.

My thanks to Biggin Hill Helicopters who invited me this year.


* For the historians amongst us: The colonnaded building used to be the United Services Club, and was the Duke of Wellington's favourite club. Built in the early 19th Century, it's a classic example of John Nash architecture.