View Full Version : sponsorship

50 Cent
19th Oct 2003, 01:36
I have been flyling here and there but never managed to the enough hours to fly with "THE AILRLINE"!!!!!!!!!

So, what do I need to do to get those prescious hours......I have run out of funds.... any direction please, or any sponsoring associations or bodies or what ever?????

PS. have some jet time
FAA/ICAO tickets
have a 4 year degree.
first class medical


Jeffrey S
31st Oct 2003, 03:14
should b in the wannabees section my good freind

B Sousa
31st Oct 2003, 21:39
1. Get a job Instructing to feed you.
2. Keep adding ratings when they are cheap or part of your work.
3. Keep knocking on doors. Face to Face is the best way to get hired. (With a Good resume as backup).
4. Stay Positive