View Full Version : Spy Flights In The Carribean

15th Oct 2003, 19:18
I,ve just got this little gem off another site, I am aware of the DEA operations out of JAX, maybe the hacks have got in a bit of a muddle,


Have the Brits been using something else, as there are no known airworthy Blackbirds at present, maybe its a U2.

Brits have flown them in the past.........

"I have just read an article in the Daily Express (a British Tabloid
that states "Spy jets fighting drug war". There is a picture of an SR-71
the article although there is no further mention to a specific aircraft
type. It also
states that "Two US donated aircraft manned by British trained pilots patrol
the sea
lanes from Venezuela to the eastern Caribbean". Before the article starts
heading in a different
direction, it does say "The air war is one of British Customs' most
closely-guarded secrets, and
its existence has only just been revealed".
Interesting, I'm sure you'll agree!
Does anyone out there know anything more regarding this matter? And indeed,
are there two
SR-71's or any other types flying around the Caribbean with British 'Drug
Busters' aboard?
Of course the newspaper could have got it wrong.......but have they?
I look forward to the replies, with interest".

15th Oct 2003, 19:36
Not much of a secret now is it :}
The SR71 operates covertly out of Duxford. Don't tell anyone though.

15th Oct 2003, 21:15
If you think we can afford to operate an SR-71.....someone somewhere in the MoD is delusional

Why on earth would we then still have Canberras that the US asked us to use on their behalf after they retired the Blackbird and before their satellites were good enough?

More likely is a Canberra - besides, the guardship does a good enough job.

15th Oct 2003, 21:21
Obviously on an open forum such as this your question cannot really ever be answered. As usual, most of what the papers are saying is well wide of the mark; it does make for hilarious reading if you are/have been involved.
The guardship doesn't do all of the work, it just takes all of the credit.

15th Oct 2003, 21:42

I know, but it makes for an amusing bit of mileage for and ex NLSAGE

15th Oct 2003, 23:50
Surely everyone knows that the RAF has operated covert fh6984vc8vofonp[[ut n9t 39t[t9vu9cpf fshc gec sfdjknri kjhspi ck if ckjwfhcwf .......aaarrghh, black Omegas outside, gottta go...............;) ;)

TAC Queen
16th Oct 2003, 01:03


Sorry I mean

:O :O :O :ouch:

Check 6
16th Oct 2003, 02:17
There is still one SR-71 flying. It is based at Edwards AFB in California, and operated by NASA.


The Nr Fairy
16th Oct 2003, 02:53
Knowing the Daily Express, maybe it should be "Spy Flights in the CANBERRA" . . .

17th Oct 2003, 07:21
When I was flying in the Carib for AA there was a Brit unit at an airport far away manned by a (former?) RAF collegue of mine and some friends doing early intercepts on traffic headed Florida-ways....nuff said. Don't know if it's still there, don't care. You'd never find it. ;)

Oh, and BTW, the SR-71?? HaHaHa!! You've got to be effing kidding....have the papers any idea how much support staff, special fuel, etc is required for that thing? Who's flying the tanker? Britannia? Dream on....

More like the ******* ****** ********....fill in the blanks.

:suspect: :suspect:

17th Oct 2003, 08:26
There was a report tonight on BBC News about this, with a reporter sitting in the back of one of the a/c on a spy mission
Twin turbine prolly a Kingair operated by Brit crew a/c donated by the US.

Not so secret now. :D

18th Oct 2003, 04:28
There is still one SR-71 flying. It is based at Edwards AFB in California, and operated by NASA.

Only one huh? What about the two RB-57's operated by NASA?

WE Branch Fanatic
18th Oct 2003, 04:34
I don't suppose anyone with graphics software (an the ability to use it) could post a picture of a SR71 with RAF markings?

18th Oct 2003, 06:55

You spelled ****** wrong. Should be ********. :rolleyes:


18th Oct 2003, 08:13
He He... Downgraded from an SR-71 to a King Air. Maybe the SR-71 was just a little too quick for them?!? ;)

This pretty much sums up the state of worldwide media today when it comes to the military and terrorism.

Ooo... this just in!

APOLLO 5 has been taken out of storage to track a getaway grandpa on his gopher. Latest reports indicate that the 85 year old stole a loaf of bread and is considered hostile. He has threatened to use weapons (his false teeth) if the cops don't stop jogging along side him.

More to come...
