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View Full Version : YSSY to KMIA

11th Oct 2003, 01:29
Hello Can someone tell me what possible route this can be done safely in a CRJ-200 aeroplane?

11th Oct 2003, 06:11
Contact one or two of the professional flight planning organisations, like jepperson or skyplan. They have all the figures, A/P's, fuel burns etc, etc.

Cost you a bit, but will take all the guess work out of.

You will need their services when you do the flight, ATC plans, clearances, handling etc., etc.

15th Oct 2003, 22:23
Thank you all for your imput. I have two weeks to go before the big day.

18th Oct 2003, 11:13
Well our dispatch is trying to takes us through northern Australia, Japan , and across? what do you think? We are all pretty new at this. We want to be very conservative.