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10th Oct 2003, 00:26
Fri "Melbourne Age"

Qantas queries role of air marshals
By Andra Jackson
October 10, 2003

Qantas's head of security has questioned the relevance of the system of sky marshals as an anti-terrorism measure.

The group manager of Qantas's security and investigation services division, Geoff Askew, said the airline's cabin crew were being trained to assume there was no sky marshal on their flights and that "if all hell breaks loose, you're it".

Staff are told to regard it as a bonus if a sky marshal should be on board. Mr Askew said Qantas had adopted this approach because it had about 600 domestic flights a day and about 600 international flights a week.

"If you assume that there are sky marshals on 50 per cent of those services, then what do you do with the other 50 per cent?" he said.

"If you have enhanced training now and you've got enhanced cockpit doors, is the relevance of the sky marshals as great now as when the policy was made?" It might be that the resources devoted to sky marshals could best be employed elsewhere, he said.

Mr Askew was speaking on "The world's airlines: crime, terrorism and intelligence" at the annual Crime Stoppers International training conference in Melbourne.

"There is no doubt . . . that since the Australian Government's involvement in East Timor, the threat to Australian interests and Australian aviation interests from Islamic extremists has increased and is real," he said.

Mr Askew cautioned that governments must "address the root causes of terrorism and not just focus on punitive and military measures".


10th Oct 2003, 09:24
It is right to question the effectiveness of air martials, after all they have had a 100% failure rate so far, as they failed to have any impact on the only incident since their inception (the one where the crazy dude with the wooden impliments was stopped by a FA).

The money could be better spend in a thousand different areas, but air martials were an ill informed knee jerk reaction at the time. It's time to review their effectiveness for sure.

Capt Fathom
10th Oct 2003, 10:31
What or who is an 'air martial'?

Capt Claret
10th Oct 2003, 10:34
It's a wedded Air! :E

10th Oct 2003, 10:48
Pullock, I question your logic. If one terrorist plan has been scuttled due to the possibility of an ASO being on board, surely that is a success..

You would never know however..