View Full Version : ATPL Law

9th Oct 2003, 14:40
I need to sit ATPL law to convert my licence to an Australian ATPL. The cost of sitting the exam itself which is well over $100 and study guides (in the region of $50).

BUT I have been told that I need to purchase, what seems to be, the entire set of Australian rules, regs, Flight guides, charts etc. I have looked at the website given by CASA and these documents cost hundreds of dollars.

Can someone who has recently sit the ATPL Law exam please give me advice on whether I need these documents? Is there a study guide I can use so I don't need to but these?

Do I need to take all the rules, regs etc into the exam with me?

Any advice appreciated.

9th Oct 2003, 16:23
PLJ - all the documents bar the charts are available online(AIP, DAPs ERSA at Airservices website and CARs, CAOs, CAAPs at CASA so if you can get access to cheap(free!) laser printing that could be a cheap workaround for study(only print the relative sections). As for the exam I sat it 3 times (and passed it 3 time mind you) and I don't recall taking in anything other than CARs, CAOs, CAAPs and AIP. If you are doing a rating renewal or other flying training ask the organization you are doing it with if you could borrow a copy of their docs and charts for the exam.

So for study I think you will only need some charts possibly. From memory most of the Qs revolve around CARs, CAOs, and the AIP and when you start studying you will see that the questions pertain to only very specific sections of these documents so just print these sections.

ps The Trevor Thom Law book is just basically lists of questions and practise exams but it gives a very good idea of the pertinent sections of the docs.

10th Oct 2003, 19:50
plj i tend to agree with slice if u can borrow some docs that may be a good way to go rather than forking out big dollars . the exam is also only targeting certailn parts of the books so as slice said you only need certain parts of the docs.

i did the exam a while ago and used the thom book wich did reflect the actual exam questions resonably well, however i also used the nathan higgins notes and i thought his notes were even better, i did his notes over about 5 days and when i did the casa exam i got a reasonable pass first time. the higgins notes also included a set of tags wich i found to be really usefull, as if u can find things quickily it saves a lot of time.

higgins ph 07 5448 7770
web www.aft.com.au

it cost me about a hundred buks a few years ago. i know others who have used them recently with good results.

hope this helps cheers

Sheep Guts
10th Oct 2003, 21:10
I bought the books. CAOSs CARS DAPsor Jeps and You can copy the CAAPS off the CASA Website. Also the AIP is better. Remmember you can Tab and Highlite the book text but no notes can be written in them. Incidently I did it in 2001. I got 87% I recall. But it doesnt mean anything because even though you have a converted ATPL from another ICAO Country. The Local farternity dont recognise this. To be recognised for employment in Australia you need to all the 7ATPL subjects.

Thats why Im here in the Carib and not there in Oz. But alas I plan to return and do my 7 Subjects. I myself beleive that CASA should abandon the conversion process and go back to 7 Subjects. Why you ask?
Because the Industry in Australia allready has. You can check my words by looking at the QANTAS, Virgin,Mac Air, and other websites. Hey the Poms do it that WAY, why shouldnt we?

I dont mean to dampen your thread PLJ but thats the facts .


I have 4 ICAO ATPLs all worthless!

18th Oct 2003, 02:04
Thanks for your help people. :ok: