View Full Version : JAR OPS Maintenance

3rd Oct 2003, 16:10

Does any one recall from the transition from CAP 360 to JAR OPS, that JAR OPS maintenance would be no less restrictive than CAP 360, i.e. engines losing their extensions.

If so, which document can this be found in ?


G fiend
4th Oct 2003, 16:33

As I recall, JAR-Ops 1 doesn't have much to say on A/C maintenance, being more more concerned with Ops and Control.

I think you should be looking in either JAR145 or a JAA document (which I've forgotten the number of!)- there is one that specifically covers engines

But try Mark Glaze at BAL- Useful chap!

14th Oct 2003, 23:58
G fiend: You obviously got bored by Sub-Part N and didn't read any further. Pity. Sub-Part M (MAINTENANCE - to help the afflicted) covers the operator's management of maintenance, inluding maintenance programmes (backed up with certain TGLs on reliability programmes, sub-con tech services etc). If the operation is essentially unchanged then life extensions should read across. The tricky bit is trying to read extensions across from another operator, with different ops and a different MP. At the end of the day the operator has to justify their MP is effective.