View Full Version : Very quiet around SK and AAB

1st Oct 2003, 15:34
hi peops,

is everything going the way it should be now at QR or are what's happening? I miss reading storries about QR. What a shame that management can sometimes screw up peoples lifes. QR could be even better then they already are.......


homesick rae
1st Oct 2003, 18:10
Not really, as two cabin crew were sacked a couple of weeks ago. One for no reason and the other for gossip!!

The only reason that AAB keeps SK employed is the fact that SK's uncle works in the Govt therefore QR get some "favours" of sorts!!

homesick rae
7th Oct 2003, 04:15
Just heard that a CSD with QR was given the third degree for refusing to operate a flight.

Called at 0200local to operate a Rome flight...she was not on standby...as the rostered CSD hadn't turned up and could not be contacted.

Various threats ensued whilst she politely told Crewing: 1. not on sby 2. scheduled to operate LHR later that evening.

No doubt this episode will be put in the "Crewing Log" and AAB will have been informed and now this innocent party will be on "the list."

It is sad to hear this is still going on, considering the person concerned is one of the longest serving in the company and has an unblemished record.

homesick rae
17th Oct 2003, 02:50
CSD turned up for A320 refresher to be told: "You should have been here yesterday!" Not according to his roster!

What did they do? Rescheduled it when the CSD was supposed to be on a BKK trip and meeting his father!!?? And what's more they were aware of this!!

No amount of pleading can change the minds even though, yet again, they screwed up and the hardworking crew have to suffer!!

:mad: :mad:

30th Nov 2003, 06:34
Not SK' uncle, it is SK' own brother (apparently another snake) working for the Government.

No wonder QR get all the rights into their country.also flights to Australia will be operated via CMB.

Its a shame to see AAB getting on flights when the Priminister of that country travels,to lick his bottom!

AAB was,once very rude to that priminister (before he came to position and not knowing who he was) when travelled to CAI on QR via DOH,as the priminister of that country was waiting in the lounge for his wife to return from the restroom at the air port,which was witnessed by air port staff.

Priminister,later told another air port worker he had never come across such rudeness before and that he would never fly QR again....but he still travels!!

SK is AAB' bait, he is a fool! and a looser!!...as much as AAB is !!!