View Full Version : How much fuel?

24th Sep 2003, 19:28
Hi engineer guys, how are you?

I got a bet with my friend about how much does the boeing 767 chew..
I wanted to ask you that if boeing 767 flys for 6 hours it chews like 25 000 litres of fuel.. Please tell me the right answer and or boeing 747?

Thanks for the great information feel free to share
This is my first topic in this section usually i hand out in flight attendant section ;)


[email protected]

24th Sep 2003, 20:31
You may have just named the B767 - "The Cow".
Whats the bet?.
25,000 litres weighs about 20,000 kgs. 2 engines at 6 hours is about Wf 1500kgs+ per hr.About right.
Next time your near the pointy end, ask the guy in the r/h seat. He'll show you the chew guage.

25th Sep 2003, 09:11
Ok - so it's my paranoia again. This and similar questions relating to technical specifics have taken on a whole new, sinister countenance since " that day ". Why not ask, " how much would be possibly left on the tanks after a sector of such and such a length and how big a bang could it possibly make ? ". If in fact you DO usually "hand" out in the cabin crew forums, one could presume that you are crew and would have no problems asking one of the tech crew these questions as you sat in the bus on your way to the pub. Is it asking too much that "professionals" give more than 1 second of thought to what they place in the public domain. By the way, the argument that if they didn't get it from here they'd get it from someplace else, doesn't wash with me. Every professional in this industry has a new security imperitive to live with on a daily basis.

26th Sep 2003, 21:32
Mr Seldom,

Have you never been on a flight when the PA announcer (be he/she the pilot FO or FA) has announced that on this flight they had X tonnes of fuel o/b and would use X ammount meaning that the fuel consumption was X miles per gallon!!??

Get a life. The fuel comsumption or range of an a/c is hardly classified.

I have been on several post 9/11 flights where a/c arrival fuel has been announced on the PA. There was a distinct lack of gentlemen of middle eastern appearance frantically writing in their notebooks following this startling and candid revelation!!

the egg man
27th Sep 2003, 01:44
oh dont be silly fixer,
i perfectly harmless question