View Full Version : Warbirds flyover in AKL last W.end

23rd Sep 2003, 05:38
Was that cool flyover by the Warbirds last weekend, over Auckland, for any special reason, or was it just a blat around?!!

23rd Sep 2003, 09:18
I was not there but I guess that the weather is improving and that soon it will be time to dust off the ole Barbie Huh?
Today I did not have breakfast just 2 cups of coffee and my girlfriend got mad cos I ignored her in favour of some idiot I met in the bar.
But what can u do ?

23rd Sep 2003, 15:56
That "cool!" flyover was a memorial fly past on Battle of Britian Sunday, commemerating the 63rd anniversary of the BoB.

Sept. 15 1940 is recognised as the day that the Brits/Yanks/Poles/Kiwi's and Ozzies plus other supporting Commonwealth countries (yes!, I know the USA/Poland is not part of the Commonwealth, but you know what I mean!) that flew for the RAF, kicked the Nazi facist's bully-boy bastard Hitler and his fly boys in the nads and made Hitler stop and re-think the strategy against Britian. Had he known that the RAF were close to folding and England was nearly his, he may have continued with his aerial assualt and we all might be big fans of "black sausage pudding" washed down with large steins of ale.

Battle of Britain Sunday is recognised the first Sunday on or after Sept. 15.

The Warbirds of NZ particpate each year with a fly-over of Auckland City including at passing over the Auckland Cenotaph during the mid-morning service held at the War memorial museum. Good show chaps :ok:

"Never in history of human conflict, has so much been owed by so many, to so few" - Winstun Churchill

24th Sep 2003, 15:42
It was also (coincidently I suppose) the morning of the first A320 arrival that also made a pass through the city on its way into AA.

25th Sep 2003, 02:30
Yeah, not only a Battle of Britain fly past, but a ZK OJA one too ;)