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View Full Version : Update for QF/MAM shortlisters as told by QF...

15th Sep 2003, 21:55
Just thought I'd better pass on this very interesting but also ssomewhat disappointing news I recently got from QF...But do we believe them??

Last week I attended a semi-interview with QF facilitators/base manager for purpose of "touching base"etc(as I have previously mentioned in previous psots)as I am one of those who has been on the MAM/QF short-list for more than a year now(all people in all states have been or will be doing this also before they get there letter extended AGAIN)..

At the end of the chat they said in these exact words"in terms of employment,QF have not budgeted for any ground schools in this financial year(ie until July 20004)"in the same breath they also said"we don't really know,today we don't need staff,tomorrow we might"...yes my jaw did drop slightly but walked away thinking perhaps they are saying this to get us off their backs and help decrease our expectations in regards to the long wait?????????????at the end of the day,I guess they are right,they don't even know until bookings for loads go through process to crewing then rostering to foresee any requirements etc..
As I walked out one of them said "at least we are on the short-list and it will happen eventually,we are the last to know when it comes to ground schools,training etc"

Sorry to put a damper on things!what I have decided to do is move on (just a little),try to think about this damn short-list alot less,and get on with living until that SURPRISE phone call comes!
Be positive all you out there waiting-our time WILL come,eventhough we have no idea WHEN!:{
Keep in touch with all the rumours/info-true or untrue....

16th Sep 2003, 00:44
On the same vein

100 Shorthaul crew will be transferred to longhaul in January, due to the expected over-staffing of shorthaul, once those taken leave without pay/ temp part time come back to full time flying.

They are short of crew at them moment, only due to the additional flights being put on in october for the rugby world cup.

Longhaul will face a similar excess of crew once their leave without pay and temp part time crew come back online mid next year, this will be offset by additional flying to current destinations, but the current level of full time employed cabin crew are at the maximum QF wants to go to.

I can forsee some casual vacancies at Longhaul, but with the current EBA, they will be limited numbers, as there is a very low cap of casuals allowed into longhaul.

A good read is the last weekends' Financial Review' which explains Mr Dixon's plans for a 25%casual workforce at QF.

Currently, we have no casual crew in longhaul, so I cant see any permanent possies available in the near future.

My guesses may be wrong though, this industry can change at the drop of a pin !:(

16th Sep 2003, 16:33

How many QF Longhaul F/As leave a month? I get the impression that nobody ever leaves QF - especially if you base it on their not so frequent recruitment campaigns.

The other post has 10-15 Virgin F/As leaving per month.

I know you can't really compare Virgin with QF Longhaul, but you would think with QF F/As leaving or going on maternity leave this would create movement and opportunites for us wannabes.

Any thoughts?

PS: If I got into Longhaul...I probably wouldn't leave either:p :}