View Full Version : Threat to low flying in Hawaii

Time Out
15th Sep 2003, 20:27
The Star-Bulletin.com report indicates that there's a battle underway between helicopter operators and hikers.

"Seeking to make a temporary 1,500-foot minimum permanent, the Federal Aviation Administration asked for public testimony and set a Sept. 8 deadline for submissions (unfortunately the report hit this news site after that date).

There are almost as many environmentalist letters in the FAA files in support of the 1,500-foot limit as there are pilots' objections."

The main objection to low flying seems to be noise pollution.

The report indicates that the FAA is expected to decide next month whether the rule for a 1,500-foot minimum with some exemptions as low as 500 feet should become permanent.

Full report (http://starbulletin.com/2003/09/14/business/story1.html)
(amended link which wasn't working - sorry)

21st Sep 2003, 11:16
The whole process with all the comments can be viewed at
FAA Dockets (http://dms.dot.gov/search/searchFormSimple.cfm)
then type in the docket #faa 2003-14830.
Basically the Sierra club and a whole buch of tree huggers have commented saying we should fly higher, what they fail to realize is that by flying higher, we have to fly closer to the ocean to avoid the clouds that cover the islands, thereby forcing us to fly over their homes.:cool: