View Full Version : azathioprine

8th Sep 2003, 20:31
just wondering if any of your knoledgable chappies know what the uk/jaa medical people think of using this drug?

i have a class 1 medical and doctor looking at putting me on 50mg twice a day initially for a few months then lowering dose eventually to zero once skin calmed down a bit.

just wondereing what the implications are to my class 1 ??

11th Sep 2003, 10:12
Can't help wrt UK/JAA medicals, but I've had no problem getting an Australian Class1 while on Azathioprine. I take 175 mg/daily (I weight ~100Kg - the dose is related to body mass I think).

I've been on it since 1995. Initial side effects were possibly a little pancreatitis (mild nausea and stomach type pain) but that stopped after a few weeks. The only issue is having to have a blood test every 6 weeks to ensure my white blood cells and platelets remain within acceptable limits.

