View Full Version : Caboolture Airstrip

Angle of Attack
5th Sep 2003, 07:13
G'day just a query about the approx length of Cabooltures' runways and whether or not it has a PAL system? Havent been there for years, it didnt have a PAL then but just wondering if it does now. Before you say just look it up, well I dont have an ERSA, was just going to ask first before buying one later, Cheers in Advance.

5th Sep 2003, 07:50
Look it up - go to Airservices site and all the ERSAs are there in PDF for free. http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/pilotcentre/aip/ersa.htm

There are two rwys, 06 and 12, both grass / dirt with a little piece of bitumen at the threshold of 12. Lengths are about 650 (06) and 850 (12) I think - can't remember exactly.

The place is crawling with 'roos 24/7. On weekends it is chockas with ultralights, gliders and parachutes.

There are a bunch of special procedures and circuit requirements as well, but no PAL. It has a Shell cardswipe bowser.

It makes a reasonable alternative to Acherfield & Eagle Farm if you're on the Northside - but Redcliffe is closer to everything, sealed, BP bowser and has PAL.

Angle of Attack
5th Sep 2003, 12:37
Thanks for the reply, just shows how long its been, I didnt even know ERSA was published online, well you learn something everyday! Cheers!