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2nd Sep 2003, 04:44
The Hours for an ATPL are 1500 and 500 MCC. how long does it take as in weeks months and years to complete the 1500?
Assuming that after 1500 the ATPL is unfrozen and captaincy it issued.... is this instantly or is another 'something' needed to get captaincy.

Im just trying to work out my career plan in terms of an estimated timescale.

Northern Highflyer
2nd Sep 2003, 18:11
It depends on who you work for, how many hours you fly, and what type of flying you do.

Being very general here, it could take between 2 and 4 years to gain the 1500 hours to obtain the ATPL. This doesn't automatically make you a Captain. These positions go to the more senior pilots, seniority being the yardstick in many airlines. You also have to show an ability to command an aircraft, not just fly it. Bear in mind that if you move jobs you will end up at the bottom of the seniority ladder again regardless of your previous experience.

Current timescales are around 8 to 10 years to command but the industry is changing all the time. This could increase/decrease at any time.

This is as I understand it but stand to be corrected by those pruners with more experience than me. :cool:

2nd Sep 2003, 18:52
try to find a job first!!!!!!!!!

2nd Sep 2003, 19:24
loool ;)

Thats the hard part.

Obs cop
3rd Sep 2003, 05:02

don't be getting carried away with a grand scheme for a career. In the fickle and turbelent world that is flying I would suggest you keep it simple.

Your first major objective should be to get the qualifications. There is no point worrying about or planning anything without them!!!!

If your career plan is as in depth as you elude, I fear you will be very disappointed. Good luck with your attempts though.

Obs cop