View Full Version : UAS Questions

2nd Sep 2003, 04:01
I am going to University in London in two weeks from now. The course is four years with the third year spent in employment (Aerospace engineering, sandwich option). knowing that I have wanted to pursue an airline career from a very you age all the limited flying experience that I have gained has been civilian. Now, however, I am looking at joining a UAS.
The trouble is I know very little about the UAS. I have been to some websites and looked at the requirements. Well, to start with I will have a job. The shift is all day saturday. How will I go flying over the weekends? Can I fly on Sundays? I will only have four weeks off a year, will this effect my UAS commitments? If it does, I will leave my job without hesitation! What about my third year? What if my job placement is abroad? Can anyone who knows a little more about the UAS tell me about the experiences gained and how I would fit the above (job) fit in. Also, I have NO desire to join the forces, (and I have looked into it), does this effect my application?
Thanks for your help.

EDIT: Has the UAS managed to get the CAA to allow the EFT 'graduates' to qualify for a PPL yet?

2nd Sep 2003, 18:27
If your motives are purely to gain hours/PPL for a civvie career, then you may very well be weeded out during the selection process. The UAS system is geared towards selecting applicants for RAF training and there is fierce competition for places.

That said, I went that route and didn't join up. I'm now working as a commercial pilot, but originaly had no interest in doing any civvie piloting.

The UAS's fly Wed - Sun as far as I recall, with Mon and Tue as 'weekends'. Sat/Sun tend to be the busiest days as most students turn up to fly, and as a consequence you generally get less trips. If you can fly during the week, missing Saturday shouldn't be a major issue, but each UAS may have different views on that. At mine, if you missed met brief at 0800 you didn't fly that day.

You will be expected to make yourself available for 2 consecutive weeks each summer for 'summer camp', a period of intensive training, but I think that is the only compulsory period of attendance.

However, your questions would be best asked in the Military forum, where hopefully you will get up to date advice from curent studes/QFI's. Be warned though, with your motives you shouldn't expect much sympathy.

2nd Sep 2003, 19:59

>Be warned though, with your motives you shouldn't expect much sympathy<

I realise this! I have never thought of joining the UAS before now because I wanted to be a civilian pilot and Iwould not lie about this during the interview, but I have been told time and time again to look into it, so I am!