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View Full Version : Wheres the best and most recognised place for flight training?

31st Aug 2003, 21:37
Basically the subject says it all. My dream since childhood has always been to fly aircraft and im determined not to let the high costs of the training stop me. I want to get the best training possible and thats why im asking you guys for your help. Can you give me some tips about getting money for the training? Would you know of any banks willing to offer big loans without having to give huge collateral on them? i know of the McAlpine Sponsorship scheme but are there any others? Can someone please help me out. Thank you.


31st Aug 2003, 22:08
The best place for flight training is where YOU feel most comfortable.

Most recognised? Every school produces pilots with the same licence, which has been examined to the same standard. So, depite what some school's marketing people will tell you, it shouldn't make any difference which school you go to, be it modular or integrated. Some schools *may* have connections with airlines.

Do some background research, narrow down which schools you think offer what you are looking for, do a search on here, then go and visit the schools personally.

Sponsorships are few and far between. Try Atlantic Airlines at Coventry, they have the Fuglie scheme which requires you to have a PPL and a Class 1 medical.

If you havent already done so, take some PPL lessons and make sure you like flying. Also get your Class 1 medical as soon as is practically possible.

For finance, do a search for HSBC on PPRuNe. Expect to budget between ₤45,000 and ₤60,000 for a modular course or ₤65,000 to ₤80,000 for an Integrated course.

Dont forget to add ₤25,000 for a type rating as well.

31st Aug 2003, 23:03
You asked about course funding.

I used several loans for my training which didn't require any security in the form of a house etc. Natwest offer up to £12,000 pounds in the form of a personal tailored loan. I've also been told that HSBC are good.

You can also get up to £8000 with a carreer development loan. Thier contact telephone number is 0845 60 900 60.

Hope this is of some help

Best of luck

LD Max
1st Sep 2003, 16:07

I went with HSBC and haven't regretted it. The terms for their Professional Studies Loan (available for post-graduate studies) is very generous given that the security they require is often just a life policy assigned to them, and a personal guarantee from a friend or relative for any excess over an agreed limit.

Interest rates are competitive, and the loan can be drawn down in stages so that interest is only charged from the date you need it. Repayments don't have to be made until 3 months after the estimated date of completion (which might be a couple of years hence...).

The only thing to consider a bit carefully with choosing them, is that some companies who offer APP courses or Type Rating Sponsorship schemes, do so in arrangement with the HSBC to arrange the funding for the candidate. If you have an existing loan with the HSBC, I would guess, (but don't know for sure), this MIGHT prejudice your application if the bank don't want to increase their exposure to one individual.

I wonder if anyone else has a "take" on this.

I. M. Esperto
2nd Sep 2003, 13:40
NAS Pensacola, by far.