View Full Version : DAAVN Change

30th Aug 2003, 00:55
Anyone else heard the rumour that the new Director is the very same person that banished Tommy Ketchup from the Mess in Dishforth a few years ago?

I might have been wound up myself, but if not..:mad:

30th Aug 2003, 02:12
Absolutely right, I have banned it in my house... how common. Don't the 'blighters' eat that?????

Eagle 270
30th Aug 2003, 02:59
I hear the sauce will be safe at least for the next couple of years. After that who knows?

30th Aug 2003, 04:56
Jaytee, I believe that we may be come aquainted soon? If so then T sauce, and it's cousin B sauce, is mandatory up this way I'm afraid.

30th Aug 2003, 12:10
If it doesn't break the Official secrets act, what's his name?

31st Aug 2003, 03:07
Hello..... I will soon have you converted to horseradish and pot noodle. Delightful ...... and not at all common... :ok:

31st Aug 2003, 04:23
P*t N***le!!! We'll have less of that language on here thank you :eek: :ooh:

Training Risky
31st Aug 2003, 05:02
So you chaps are not allowed tommy K in the mess, but those awful bright red cordroy trousers are still 'en vogue'??:}

31st Aug 2003, 12:26
Damn wight, old chap - we do have wedgimental twadition to uphold, don't you know? Tomato ketchup? Oh, deawy me no. Never go with the bweakfast kedgiwee.

Chap's got to have the old cords and thweadbare jumper to wear under the barbour when takin' the labwador for mornin' constitution'l.

Goin' fox-murderwin' now, toodle-pip and no more of this complainin' fwom the wowdy wabble in mess....

2nd Sep 2003, 04:32
Is it the same guy who banned: "Pardon", "Toilet", "Cheers", "Reg" etc...?

4th Sep 2003, 17:48
TR, BEags, after nearly 400 years the Army does have some traditions to uphold. :cool: Unlike the RAF who just have bad habits. :E

4th Sep 2003, 20:36
What did Reg do then?:)

5th Sep 2003, 01:15
He was banned from the ranges after firing at Will.

Art Field
5th Sep 2003, 03:00
Is that not a standard range order?, " OK chaps, fire at will".

5th Sep 2003, 04:28
..oh, do keep up, Art...