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View Full Version : I am about to take the leap

26th Aug 2003, 22:29
Hello all,

I came to this forum two months ago because my love for aviation, aircraft and the boys and girls who fly them drew me here. I came with a dream, a dream that I imagine most of you have had but unlike myself the vast majority of you went out and actually ran with it. I am now about to run with it.
I came to this forum a confused and battered soul desperately seeking anwsers to burning questions deep within me and I think I have found the answer to all of them, it's called the Intergrated Commercial Pilot Course offered by Moncton Flight Center in New Brunswick Canada, where I also happen to be from. They say that whatever you become, you always were and the people here on Pprune have showed me that a pilot is what I always have been. I have realized that no other working environment could possibly compare to working among such great people like yourselves; the work ethic my old man (an accountant) drove into my head as a child and would be proud of, the levity and sense of humour that I crave and feel is lifes lubricant. The sense of integrity that I sense you all feel for eachother and that is so hard to come by in other professions. Don't get me wrong now, it may sound as if I have a romantic view of aviation and don't really know the hardships involved and quite possibly I don't but the one thing I do know is that for some reason you guys and gals feel that there is a little more pride entitled to your jobs and I would like to find out why.
I feel now that to continue my existance without at least attempting to realize my dream would be selling myself short if not down right fruitless in the long run so I've checked my finances, sent for a application form, called the old man and am about to book a Class 1 medical. Now I have a question, just what should I expect in the Medical? e.i. running, strength tests, EKG etc. any advice you all have on the subject would be most appreciated someone who has duly weighed all the pros and cons and is still up for it.


Notso Fantastic
26th Aug 2003, 23:56
As I am reaching for the Exit door (OK, they're going to make me go off and spend more time with my pension), I'd caution you to be aware. This is an industry where you pay a King's ransom for your training, where it can be near impossible to get a job without experience, where the money is fast evaporating in the mists of an overworked haze- a definition of the job is 'a treadmill with a view'. Enjoyment of flying is now so curtailed by overwork it spoils the job. Looking back, maybe I would come into it again, but I know other places would have made me far richer- Banking (something I considered a fate worse than death), property development, investment. Travel is lovely and I have seen so much, with so little time to enjoy it, and falling asleep in the day and wide awake at night. We're not poets- it is very hard and exhausting, and the unemployment queue is so close all the time, and it all hangs on the thread of that 6 monthly medical. If you are determined, give it your best shot, but there are better places to make the investment in time and energy.

27th Aug 2003, 13:34
Do what you love the rest will follow.

For your physical just relax. Even if your blood pressure is high the docs are well aware of "white-coat" syndrome.

You obviously have the passion to make it. You remind me of myself about 15 years ago.

A word of caution: Don't turn your back on any crew member junior to you. They want your seat. Badly.

27th Aug 2003, 15:20
You must be mad!

I'd never dream of doing something else and judging by the determination in your post you'll do fine.

It's a great life, when all is said and done.

Kevin Farrell
29th Aug 2003, 01:32
You are where I plan on being in a couple of years. I logged onto this site only one week ago, and have had lots of sound advice from people I dont know. That in its self is something very special.

Regarding the medical, my wife to be is a Doctor and tells me that they allow for nerves, high blood pressure Etc. Do some light exercise and eat and sleep well coming up to the medical, a couple of pints of Guinness will do you the world of good too!!!

Best of luck, and keep a thought for the people like me who are just out of the PPL exams and looking to go commercial.

Send Clowns
29th Aug 2003, 01:48
Agree with Miserlou, you must be mad, but that is a career requirement, so best of luck. Glad to hear such enthusiasm is still out there ("awt there" to you Canadians :) )

1st Sep 2003, 23:05
I thank you all for your words of encouragement but then again I would expext nothing less from Pprune. You can rest assured that I will be keep everyone posted on success (or failure, but I don't plan on letting that happen).

If ever we meet in real life, it would be my pleasure to buy you all (and I mean all of pprune) a drink or two and to finally to show the Brits, Aussies, Kiwis and even the Scotts that the Canucks can drink them under the table anyday of the week and twice on Sunday. May God bless all of your cotton socks:ok:

1st Sep 2003, 23:21
If ever we meet in real life, it would be my pleasure to buy you all (and I mean all of pprune) a drink or twoBl00dy hell, that would cost more than getting your fATPL!!!


1st Sep 2003, 23:49
Yeah I thought about that after I posted and figured that if I did that then I would probably forgore the next...oh how much.....60,000 odd rounds in return that would be coming to me and offer you all the chance to pay for my CPL:}