View Full Version : Web Hosting

24th Aug 2003, 19:55
Just thinking about acquiring my own domain name (not ORAC :hmm: ) and home web site. I'm comparing companies, any recommendations or companies to avoid?

I'm leaning towards 1&1 at the moment. £8pa for my .com domain, £2 for .co.uk and £5pm for a Home (http://oneandone.co.uk) package.

25th Aug 2003, 05:00
I know a few people who have used or are using 1&1 and are very happy with the service, little downtime, good tech support etc.

Easyspace are also not bad.

I sadly use my brother, hey it's cheap for me and saves him having to think of a birthday present every year...

25th Aug 2003, 05:24
I've got a couple of domains, the one with 1 & 1 has been fine, had it about six months. Only problem was a few months ago when I couldn't get to the control panel for a few days, never did find out if the problem was theirs or my ISP routings.

Other is with http://www.xcalibre.co.uk/ they are a decent outfit based north of the border, if you are thinking of doing anything exotic by way of scripts, etc. on your site they are very helpful. Had occassional problems in the 2+ years I have been with them, no worse than with any other hosting company, but they are always up front and honest and keep you posted on what is happening. Times I have dealt with them on the phone they have been excellent. Put a few mates onto them and they have been happy as well.

g'luck :ok:

25th Aug 2003, 05:49
I've got several domains with Easyspace - been their customer for over 2yrs - no complaints so far - no serious ones anyway - support is good, uptime excellent - services available up to date/varied and prices competitive with others I looked into.

I'd make sure the package you go for doesn't include their own advertising being plastered all over your masterpiece - sometimes they keep prices down but add a pop-up or two on all your pages.


26th Aug 2003, 19:00

1&1 are a god all round hosting company, with reasonable support. We've used them for a year now and only had a couple of problems which were sorted within a reasonable amount of time.

Good value for money and no major upsets yet, so I would recommend them.

Good luck!

26th Aug 2003, 19:22
'Supanames' (http://www.supanames.co.uk/) have a variety of packages starting at £13.99 plus vat per year. V Good support.

27th Aug 2003, 20:36
I've run my business site & email domains with 1&1 for a year now. About 70 quid all in & No real probs. Plus, they have some handy scripts for counters, guest books etc. All in all, pretty good. My website's here (http://www.rapitrans.co.uk) if you don't mind the shameless plug!

25th Oct 2003, 03:46
Hi Orac, what was your final decision? Time for me to sign up and I'm getting publicity from 1&1 that's tempting.

25th Oct 2003, 03:48

25th Oct 2003, 10:37
I would have to recommend www.aplushosting.com (http://www.aplushosting.com) I've used them for about 3-4 years and they are by far the most reliable of the 6 or 7 hosts I've used in the past 3 years.
They have every bell and whistle you could imagine. With great support for high traffic, ecommerce and heavy database driven sites. (This really isn't the hosting company for a small startup website, but absolutely amazing for anyone wanting to build a larger online business)

One of the most notable features has been their tech support. Response time. And they've upgraded my server 3 times in 3 years. (Couldn't ask for more than that.)


26th Oct 2003, 23:54
For something slightly unusual have a look at http://www.pidranet.co.uk . It is a kind of Pay as You Go Hosting service. Very good value for money with no further costs for PHP scripting and MySQL database management. It is quite a new company but so far I have no complaints. Customer support is excellent ! I have a few low bandwidth sites and I don't think I am paying more that about £10 per year for each.
Pidranet (http://www.pidranet.co.uk)