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Joe Curry 25th Jan 2015 21:23

demonstrating EDI's was bigger
Bigger take-up in relation to catchment area, yes...

Joe Curry 25th Jan 2015 21:25

Why can't it stay with EDI. JC
I take it you have not been following McTeir396's input here?

Skipness One Echo 26th Jan 2015 06:41

Joe as was explained to you, Edinburgh saw a massive change in inbound tourism, this was what tipped the balance away from GLA's benefit on population. I think the point was a good one and well made, please re-read. Also, you don't need a new post for every point....

LFT 26th Jan 2015 08:39

"Population has nothing to do with it, why is EDI Scotland's busiest airport
when it's catchment area is far less than Abbotsinchs'?"

Er, you posted this as fact as recently as this month -

The Regional Airports Review looked at access to each airport
expressed as population against travel times. The RASCO figures showed:
1-hour access time by road:
To Edinburgh Airport : 2,536m or 50.1% of the Scottish population
To Glasgow Airport : 1,982m or 39.2% of the Scottish population

2-hour access by road:
To Edinburgh Airport : 4,01m or 79.2% of the Scottish population
To Glasgow Airport : 3,756m or 74.2% of the Scottish population

Any chance of you stopping trolling?

willy wombat 26th Jan 2015 09:57

I'd just like to add that as one who spent his entire career in airline management, although I never had anything to do with Scotland and its airports, McTeir396's posts are certainly convincing and it is a breath of fresh air to read something that isn't motivated by "my airport would beat your airport in a fight" sort of posting.

4eyed anorak 26th Jan 2015 12:16

Although everyone is entitled to an opinion it would seem half the posts on this thread are pulling their hair out at Mr Curry's input. At first I found them mildly amusing but now I find them like dealing with an awkward child.
Please moderators do something!!!!!

Joe Curry 26th Jan 2015 18:09

"The work we'll be carrying out over the next four years will transform our airside facilities, tripling our capacity to handle bigger aircraft and paving the way for the next ten years of increased international connectivity."

No details are available for the remaining £75m of funding from the five-year programme

Edinburgh Airport maps out expansion with £50m investment - Airport Technology


So £74M funding still to be announced. Where will this go.. runway extension, starter strips, hi speed exits, satellite terminal close to the envisaged Edinburgh Gateway station?

frontcheck 26th Jan 2015 18:18

How about spending some money on building a decent check-in hall instead of the shambles we currently have, it is totaly inadequate for the number of passengers and airlines being handled. :=

PaulFrank 26th Jan 2015 21:30

Unlike squeezing in tons of extra retail space, investing in a decent check in areas doesn't make money. Passengers don't really figure in Edinburgh's plans.

mr rhymes 27th Jan 2015 15:46

Speaking as someone who is also sick and tired of having these threads ruined by JC (I finally gave up lurker status to ask him to stop after a mere 5 years of reading these pages!), who simply refuses to let us have an EDI thread without bringing this stupid EDI vs GLA nonsense into it, I also wish that the mods would do something about it.

If I thought I was just speaking for myself I'd stay quiet, but I genuinely feel that this is bringing the board down. It's not as though he hasn't been asked to cut it out before. Clearly the leopard simply cannot change its spots.

OntimeexceptACARS 28th Jan 2015 09:18

Agree with Mr Rhymes, mods its time to remove this troll from pPrune, we need balanced discussion about EDI, not his nonsense.

Flightrider 28th Jan 2015 19:26

The more flights becoming available from Edinburgh saw a much larger take-up and the popularity of Edinburgh Airport bludgeoned as a result
Freudian slip, or acceptance of reality?

OntimeexceptACARS 2nd Feb 2015 13:12

EDI Security Search
Have never had a massive problem myself, but its been a while now since I have flown out from EDI. The Scotsman reporting 13 of 14 security staff called in sick!!

Chaos at Edinburgh airport as staff call in sick - The Scotsman

Donkey497 2nd Feb 2015 19:55

Rumours abound of journalistic license............... The suggestion is that the real figure was if not exactly 3, then not a world away from it rather than 13 out of 14.

Still a bit concerning if 20/25% missing causes such long delays. Just hope it's not like this was on Thursday morning [Pure self interest:)]

willy wombat 3rd Feb 2015 06:28

EDI security is a fiasco. See my post 367 on this thread.

10 DME ARC 3rd Feb 2015 08:20

I guess EDI is going through the standard change from semi profit style of management of the BAA to a profit driven private company! You could see this happening on the TV series! The people who had bought in and the ones trying to stick to the past!!
I have seen this before, the ones who try and stick to the past will be swept aside! You either embrace the change or find another job before you are got rid of! Unions these days are worthless!!

billyg 3rd Feb 2015 14:13

Another Award
EDINBURGH Airport’s new eastern terminal extension has netted a top award - voted Scotland’s worst building.

The recent renovation, which cost an estimated £25million, was handed a Zit accolade in the annual Carbuncle Awards which celebrate the worst architectural designs.

The Scots capital airport beat the Scottish Parliament extension to take the trophy .


Skipness One Echo 3rd Feb 2015 15:45

I have seen this before, the ones who try and stick to the past will be swept aside! You either embrace the change or find another job before you are got rid of!
Lack of corporate memory results with the same mistakes being repeated on a seven year cycle..!

SWBKCB 3rd Feb 2015 18:01

I must be lucky - it's a ten year cycle in my lot...

CKT789 4th Feb 2015 12:19

Any special movements coming in/out for the upcoming six nations games?

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