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silverstreak 7th Aug 2013 17:21

BA B787 UK Domestic 'tour' 08AUG
BA B787 will be busy tomorrow (THU 08 AUG) flying around northern parts of the UK, stopping in NCL then EDI. Promotional flying...

Water Cannon salutes should keep it cool in NCL and EDI ;)

ematom1 7th Aug 2013 17:42

Also doing a Fly by with a spitfire I believe over Rolls Royce Derby in the morning

TRY2FLY 7th Aug 2013 18:18

BA B787 UK Domestic 'tour' 08AUG
I wouldn't exactly call a flight to NCL and then to EDI busy

HOODED 7th Aug 2013 19:09

Hardly a domestic tour is it. 2 airports in 2 different countries?

silverstreak 7th Aug 2013 19:28

... trytofly and hooded ...

Grow up... :ugh:

For those of us OUTSIDE of London-town, its pretty rare for us to see any thing remotely interesting from BA - sorry London Airways, so when we are told that the 787 is doing a tour, ie flying out of Manston up over Derby to team up with a Spitfire for a spirited flyby of the RR plant before continuing to NCL, its not your average schedule. The aircraft then continues to EDI to collect a select group of customers, taking them around Scotland for an hour before returning to drop them off, then heading south to LHR.

North of the Watford Gap, thats a tour

Oh and by the way its not a seperate country until next year...:ok:

22 Degree Halo 7th Aug 2013 19:31

London-centric alive and well, I see :rolleyes:

Looking forward to seeing Dreamliner at EDI tomorrow..

crewmeal 7th Aug 2013 19:52

Why can't it nip into BHX enroute to LHR?

HOODED 7th Aug 2013 20:44

Or MAN or LBA or GLA or any other BA outstation?:(

TRY2FLY 7th Aug 2013 22:44

BA B787 UK Domestic 'tour' 08AUG
B787 is a regular visitor at GLA, just in Thomson colours

LBIA 8th Aug 2013 06:58

And would you want to be the one to brake the nice new plastic pig with a hard landing at LBA?

ATNotts 8th Aug 2013 07:14

Why can't it nip into BHX enroute to LHR
Not news at BHX - 787s are "old hat" now!

DaveReidUK 8th Aug 2013 07:28

And would you want to be the one to brake the nice new plastic pig with a hard landing at LBA?
Rumour has it that the pilots brake the 787 most times they land it. :O

Midland 331 8th Aug 2013 11:14

Plenty of room in the circuit at Teesside... :-)

Plus, I've got some Isopon and a fire extinguisher in my garage, and can be at the airfield in ten minutes.

Burnie5204 8th Aug 2013 12:04


Yup you are correct

BAW787 a Boeing 787-8 did flypasts of EMA and Rolls-Royce Derby in company with the R-R spitfire (now repaired following its crash earlier this year) and the EMA based Jet Provost

NCIS 8th Aug 2013 13:38

BAW 787 at NCL
Hi All - Pic enclosed of G-ZBJA at NCL: Boeing 787: 38609 G-ZBJA British Airways Newcastle Airport | Flickr - Photo Sharing! It left at 13-14.

Blighty Pilot 8th Aug 2013 16:05

I did hear that BA had picked up the delivery slots that were due for Monarch. The registration certainly implies that this was the case.

TopBunk 8th Aug 2013 16:38


Wrong on the registration being linked to Monarch.

ZBJA is as close to 787 as BA could get the reg to look like.

DaveReidUK 8th Aug 2013 16:40

The registration certainly implies that this was the case.
No, that's just a coincidence. BA could easily have re-registered them if that had been the case.

Think about it. BA's first 777s were G-ZZZA/B/C/D/E (Z = 7, geddit?)

So, working on the principle that B = 8, it's not altogether surprising that their first 787s are G-ZBxx.

Don't ask me why there aren't G-ZBZx, though.

Blighty Pilot 8th Aug 2013 16:41


I've tried squinting, standing upside down and even tried viewing through a pint glass. BA have failed on their private registration similarity task! :ugh:

LAX_LHR 8th Aug 2013 16:46

BA try to get their reg's to mean something.

G-ZBJ* tries to look like 787
G-ZZZ* tries to look like 777
G-BYG* tries to imply big
G-EU** for European (and mid haul) flights
G-VII* roman numerals for 7
G-XLE* tries to imply extra large

Can't remember what G-CIV* or G-BNW* stands for off the top of my head.

Blighty Pilot 8th Aug 2013 16:53

Must have you round for Sunday dinner one day - would be a fascinating conversation :8 :\ :ok:

VC10man 8th Aug 2013 17:02

I was in Derby today and heard an engine which turned out to be a Spitfire. There was a large silent plane in front of the Spit which was the BA 787.
We were all thrilled to see the two planes, the Spitfire looked tiny compared to the 787. Of course as we all know the engines were made in Derby, in England, Great Britain. How proud we are in Derby of Rolls Royce.
They do not make aero engines in Germany, do they?

TCAS_Alert 8th Aug 2013 17:07

They do not make aero engines in Germany, do they?

Yes - BMW, and MTU who make parts for PW and IAE

DaveReidUK 8th Aug 2013 17:45

Can't remember what G-CIV* or G-BNW* stands for off the top of my head
CIV is (supposedly) 400, as in 747-400: C (100 in Roman numerals) times IV (4).

El Bunto 8th Aug 2013 19:33

There was a large silent plane in front of the Spit which was the BA 787.
Interesting, looking forward to hearing one of the BA RR examples over-the-top on the regular Atlantic runs. Heard both of them inbound on delivery but the thick clouds that were present can change noise perception..

The GE-engined Thomson examples are pretty noticeable at ground level as they fly over westwards at FL320 out of Manchester. Probably on par with the 767s and more than 757s.

But none of those are quite as noisy as the A380s. What a racket! We can tell one of those by noise profile alone even when it's at FL360. But boy can they climb, usually 4000 feet higher than 777s on the same sector by the time they reach NI.

Manchester Exile 8th Aug 2013 23:37

But none of those are quite as noisy as the A380s. What a racket!
That's an interesting perception. The Qantas A380 flies over my house most days, probably at about 4,000 feet - and it's almost silent. The 747-400's that come over really do make a racket.

Phileas Fogg 9th Aug 2013 05:49

"Racket"? :)

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joy ride 9th Aug 2013 07:18

Planes approaching Heathrow from the east fly over me and the A380s are much quieter than any 747 and I sometimes even mistake the sound for a modern two engine airliner. Even a mighty VC10 can be reasonably quiet on approach. Take off noise is a very different matter and I have not yet heard a 380 taking off. Noise also spreads out in complex ways and where you are in relation to the plane has a huge effect on the sound level you hear.

DaveReidUK 9th Aug 2013 08:07

the A380s are much quieter than any 747 and I sometimes even mistake the sound for a modern two engine airliner
At the 3 principal London airports, for noise quota purposes, a 747-400 arrival consumes as many quota points as 4 x A380 arrivals, and on departure the ratio is 2:1.

VC10man 9th Aug 2013 11:45

When I saw the 787 low over Derby it was going slowly so the Spitfire could keep up, so that is why it was so quiet.
Several people have commented how quiet she was, I was told she went round 3 times but I only saw her the 3rd time. If it hadn't been for the sound of the Merlin most of us would have missed her.

Am I right in referring to a 787 as her, or is this a typical male chauvinist thing?

I would have liked to see the BA 787 in the old Landor colours, could any of you clever people put up a picture please.

ETOPS 9th Aug 2013 12:01

Here you are VC10man


VC10man 9th Aug 2013 12:16

Thank you very much ETOPS, is it only me who thinks that the Landor livery looks mush classier than the present livery? I thought that BA should have improved it while bringing in all the new planes.

I have an apology to make.........the Merlin I heard in the blue skies over Derby was actually a Griffon. What a mistaka to makea.

VC10man 9th Aug 2013 12:24

Also thanks Mr Fogg for you VC10 videos, what a fabulous sound the Conways make (I hope I've got the engine type correct this time).
As you may notice from my name, I love the VC10 although I've never flown on one and most certainly never will. But I would like to see her last flight, I don't know when it is.

I saw Concorde BOAF's last landing at Filton, I hoped in vain that they would do a go round, but she landed perfectly! Miserable spoilsport pilot!!

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