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lederhosen 23rd Nov 2011 04:20

Well Narrow Runway I can still see your post. If you posted something worse than that and it got removed I cannot see you getting much sympathy! Have you flown with the man or got some facts to back up your assertions?

Snigs 23rd Nov 2011 05:12

Of the airline I know little, but through PPRuNe I got to know several of the pilots and management and I have to say that they were a good bunch. Specifically, in my case, they gave me some great advice and help when I was looking into professional flying as a career change (back in the early 2000's).

So I say thanks for that, and good luck to all in the future.

Avenger 23rd Nov 2011 05:33

Astraeus got a new TRTO last year which includes A320, If the company was sold before being 'wound up' and the CAA accept the training post holders Bruce could get his FTO and maybe resurrect the old PTF model but using modern equipment, maybe 738 and A320 not the costly 757 which nearly all the charter outfits are shedding. Maybe some of the 'wadded' employees would become investors! Good luck to all

Narrow Runway 23rd Nov 2011 06:27

And people are hoping that a millionaire rock "star" is hoping to resurrect a low-end airline that relied on pay to fly pilots in order to exist?

How times have changed. I can't quite believe I'm reading it.

Face it. AEU is a hobby to the rock "star". He knows absolutely no-one else would take him seriously enough to fly one of their aircraft - he could always pay to fly though I suppose.

fade to grey 23rd Nov 2011 06:54

Bit bitter for some reason Narrowmind ?

Bruce's skills and experience go well beyond flying - why would he not be taken seriously ? we all pass the same LPCs etc.

Yes we did have self sponsored TR poeple, who the hell doesn't - i.e easyjet/ryanair. But I wasn't and neither were alot of my mates.

Low end airline ? don't know what that vague insult is supposed to mean.

The simple answer I believe,is that the icelandics were not interested in our business, unless it was supporting their IEX flights.

As for the 757, find me a 73/a320 that can do 3000 miles with 22000kg payload - this is the reason we had them .

Also missed the oilflights , hassi, malabo - the reason they were dropped was they simply didn't make any money.

TightSlot 23rd Nov 2011 08:12

Narrow Runway - A gratuitously nasty piece of writing there. You may draw comfort from this sad situation and choose to exploit it to demonstrate your superior wit and powers of observation: So doing sheds rather more light upon your character than on the subject matter.


Tolsti 23rd Nov 2011 08:25

That would be Jo then you were driving !

Yup.. sound like it... many a laugh in the queues on the Dartford Bridge.

MCDU2 23rd Nov 2011 08:32

I see where Narrow is coming from as do the other 600 Aer Lingus pilots and I can assure you there is little sympathy coming from us.

These airlines will always be at risk of folding. Their business plans are suspect at best, they are full of people in the LHS topping up pensions and therefore not interested in fighting for proper T&Cs and joining a union. The junior guys just want to fly and build hours no matter the cost. Others can't get into a proper airline and become lifers. Management just feed off all of the above and as a result you reap what you sow.

GhostofCain 23rd Nov 2011 09:22

Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson aims to resurrect UK airline | World news | guardian.co.uk

Any private sector job creator gets a thumbs up in my book, especially on a larger scale in this economic environment. 1500 employees is a big amount, a genuine medium-sized business.

Good luck Bruce.

JamesT73J 23rd Nov 2011 09:52

Got to hand it to Bruce, he's a doer. Good luck to him and everyone involved.

Tourist 23rd Nov 2011 10:44

I've met Bruce, lovely bloke.
He came to our Taranto night at Culdrose. No side to him at all, and no rockstar ego. The only thing I would say about him is that he was too interested in flying stories from us, when all we wanted was groupie stories from him!

Narrow Runway 23rd Nov 2011 11:30

I stand by my words. AEU were, seemingly, reliant on more than the basic business model of operating aircraft to survive.

Blame whoever you like, me included, but I am still not shedding tears for the passing of AEU - and like others have said, a lot of others aren't that bothered either.

My definition of a "low end airline" is one who deliberately sets out to bust unions in other airlines and recruits people in order to do so. Then, when the plan is rumbled, they then make those employed for that particular purpose redundant. Nice. Anyone remember that episode?

Nah, thought not.:ugh:

Poltergeist 23rd Nov 2011 14:26

Narrow Runway And MCDU2
A bit simplistic in your explanations of what went on and many have reasons for making it so and I am not having a go at that. i am pretty sure that every airline out there will have those cheering if they went out of business. But do you feel the same way for the creditors owed money? Airline credit is generally shrinking as they are seen as high risk and each time one sinks it becomes harder. Cash flow will always be a vital factor for airline survival - just read about TC - and reduced credit lines will cause a problem for all.

As for reliance on the business model, time will tell when the administrator has a good look at what was happening

magicmick 23rd Nov 2011 14:34

I’m with Ghost and James, Bruce Dickinson could easily do nothing and relax with his substantial personal wealth or he could look for employment elsewhere, he’s an experienced pilot with plenty of hours and I’m sure many operators would love the PR spin of having a rock star on the books. Instead he is trying to do something positive and raise a meaningful operation from what is left of Astraeus, that takes some balls especially in the current economic climate. Personally I wish him and all those working with him on this endeavour nothing but success.

757_Driver 23rd Nov 2011 16:31

No doubt those of you knocking bruce will also be looking to the government to raise taxes in the budget next week in order to stimulate the economy and employ more civil servants.
No? Really?
Well stop knocking someone who's trying to create private sector jobs and tax revenue then.Especially when he could just walk away.

AEU haven't been 'reliant' on pay to fly for 5 years or more. I'm not sure they were ever 'reliant' on it. But the current 'business model' was a worldwide AOC ACMI specialist and they were very good at it. especially in getting in and out of 'interesting' places. (they did the home office tripoli and cairo flights for example). They were very good at that, and made some good money. Unfortunately one megalomaniac at the top causing constant disruption, put enough spanners in the works to cause a problem.
I've no doubt that with a decent bit of capital to fund the peaks and troughs of the cashflow that the business model that they were running will be a sound ongoing business.
Yes I left because I wasn't overly happy with the lifestyle and some of the 'attitudes' of a couple of people at the top, and no i didn't agree with everything they did (however the couple of people at the top who will not be involved from now on will probably take those issues with them). But I don't blame the employees of any company for the actions of a handful of arseholes at the top, or shall we all start yelling at the counter girls at RBS for ruining the economy?

I've flown with bruce on many occasions and he is a professional experienced pilot, and he certainly does not view it as a "hobby". Most of us juggle work and home lives and some of us, myself included, juggle work and another business too. However bruce often made me dizzy with just how much he managed to juggle and just how hard he worked. By all means knock the guy if you've met him or dealt with him and don't like him, but lets try and keep pointless petty envy off this shall we, from people who have clearly never dealt with him, or any other people involved with astreaus.

Witraz 23rd Nov 2011 17:11

Thank you 757driver,
I know successful folk who have other interests. I have not met Bruce but know others who have. Is it sour grapes that drive the folk to point fingers? Simple logic states Bruce will be better off than his colleagues under the circumstances however he too enjoys flying and serving the public. I wish the very best for all.

fade to grey 23rd Nov 2011 17:17

Ah, now we get to the bottom of it. Narrowmind is either an airbus pilot we employed then de-employed when the airbus did n't really happen,

The other one is Aerlingus, well ok no sympathy from your 600 (thus demonstarting lack of basic human decency) but it wasn't me that arranged to fly your airbuses alright ? Nor my wife or kids...

If you wanna get nasty I don't think it'll be long before pikeyair wipe your dinosaur into oblivion...

Anyway my most learned colleague 757 driver (how's the new job big boy), is correct. Just because Brucey happens to be a rock star it does n't follow that he takes it less seriously than the rest - infact you'd be hard pressed to find anyone with the sheer enthusiasm he has for airline flying dispite the fact he is financially secure. But then again envy hardly ever shows much reason....

Swedishflyingkiwi 23rd Nov 2011 17:32

Bruce Dickinson
I have not met Bruce, but his passion for flying aircraft is easily found through his Discovery TV programmes. His passion and personality could be a good head "face" for a rebuilt Astreus.... PR, passion, personality.... almost makes me think of some 'virgin' guy :)

bruce dickinson flying - YouTube

Out Of Trim 23rd Nov 2011 17:55

I have met Bruce plenty of times and he is a normal nice bloke and a true professional pilot!

Narrow, I know who I would rather fly with; and it's not you! :)

Max Autobrake 23rd Nov 2011 18:12

Good luck to the good guys I knew there, however there are many people with long memories who won't mourn AEU's passing.

I have the pleasure of working with RB who timed his exit to perfection, but where is MF these days?

757_Driver 23rd Nov 2011 18:32

however there are many people with long memories who won't mourn AEU's passing
well they're petty and vindictive saddo's then. Move on with your life - honestly who carries a grudge around for years and years? :rolleyes:
Also as I said before don't confuse the actions of a few people with the company and employees as a whole.

Ali Ronn 23rd Nov 2011 19:38

I remember well the happy days when this much interest around Astraeus was generated because of its birth, rather than its sad demise. The fastest AOC in history I believe...

Well, I don't believe in reincarnation, but I live in hope! Good luck Bruce

Hamrah 23rd Nov 2011 21:20

I don't understand why posts mentioning me are disappearing. Certainly news to me. Thanks for all your good wishes guys, particulary those who I recruited ..and of course those first PPRuNe Cadets we took on.

Onward and upward..

Widewings 23rd Nov 2011 22:23

Any contact to Bruce?
I am ex-Flystar, company email is switched off, does anyone have private email adress of Bruce here? If so, please private it to me, thank you very much!

Monde 23rd Nov 2011 22:44

I really can't see an Astraeus 2 working , sorry Bruce. Since late 2007 , apart from Euroatlantic (dreadful!)pretty much ALL pure ACMI operators have gone bust -i'm not including Titan as they are kept going by the royal mail/Falklands gig..Long term ACMI at a good hourly rate is a luxury due to overcapacity , something that is in short supply these days and only really works in times of economic boom.

Poltergeist 23rd Nov 2011 23:28

just been told email goes back on today

Avenger 24th Nov 2011 09:20

The Icelandics seem to have their own agenda, IEX getting new A/C and WOW AIR starting up, new AOCs, and in the mean time routes suddenly covered by CSA and Norwegen? Hmmm? these things take a while to organise, I suspect they knew well in advance the plug would be pulled. The financial constraints imposed by the CAA for start up airlines, new lease costs and deposits, and the ACMI business model will be unattractive to investors with so much spare capacity in the market, sadly it's the end of the road..but if the guys are prepared to work abroad and fits their home lives, there are many opportunities around.

beachbud 24th Nov 2011 10:51

Did some work with them over the years and enjoyed the company of the crews I flew with. All the best to them in finding work.

pjdj777 24th Nov 2011 11:51

Well, as one of those Pprune cadets, I am very grateful to AEU for the opportunities they afforded me and I'm gutted that they're not around anymore.

It's a real shame to see one of the "can do" airlines fall. Good luck, boys and girls, here's hoping the Air Raid Siren succeeds.

airbourne 24th Nov 2011 13:37

I was just thinking of PJDJ as an AEU cadet. Where did you end up?

Fresca 24th Nov 2011 13:50

Without wishing to extend thread drift - Wasn't it a whole nation that voted not to repay debts?
Not really. The nation just did not agreed to the terms dictated to them by a a fellow NATO nation that classified them as a terrorist country. As far as I know the process of repayment is ongoing as we speak. But I expect not much here in this forum, as Icelanders have been called fish stinking nation, and cod-heads over and over again in almost every thread remotely connecting to this island nation.
If anyone here really thinks that a regular Icelander is proud of those sharks you are more bonkers than any of them.

Back to topic?

pjdj777 24th Nov 2011 16:19

Quit AEU 7 years ago, still on the 73, left seat.

RoyHudd 24th Nov 2011 18:00

Icelandic pong
You simply cannot trust those fish-stinking Icelandic people. Their track record of deceipt and duplicity over the last 10 years is extraordinary. Of course there are many decent people among them, but commercially this little island breeds more dishonest managers than anywhere west of Istanbul.

proxus 24th Nov 2011 20:36

You simply cannot trust those fish-stinking Icelandic people.
All in all there are about 30-40 persons who are primarily responsible for those financial doings in Iceland and abroad. Please do not generalize a whole nation because of few rotten apples. We hate them for it as much if not more than you guys as we suffer for it more than you do.

Iron Duke 24th Nov 2011 21:00

Bruce is a serious and charismatic man .. and if he can use his influence to get the show back on the road, then good luck to him.
AEU had some very competent people working for it, and if it is resurrected I am sure it can re-establish it's niche if properly supported.
As ex AEU myself I wish everyone the best of good fortune ....

JSCL 24th Nov 2011 21:18

Problem is, now they've called in administrators, finding long term business from named players like TCX and BMI becomes a heck of a lot more difficult. Some a/c will need disposing and should AEU need new/more A/C under Mr Dickinson, the banks won't touch the company,he would likely have to find investors daring enough or fund it himself.

It's going to be tricky. But wish him well.

vulcanised 24th Nov 2011 21:32

Please do not generalize a whole nation because of few rotten apples

Without wishing to extend thread drift - Wasn't it a whole nation that voted not to repay debts?

mini 24th Nov 2011 22:57

As for the bad Icelanders etc.

Who gave them the money... :hmm:

I'd guess its the same people who are now causing havok in the Eurozone and elsewhere.

Not by any way absolving the Icelanders, just...

Tyres O'Flaherty 25th Nov 2011 01:06

Fact is, Bruce had all the love, adulation, blowing smoke up his arse, money, etc in 1983 onwards.

Furthermore, he's not an idiot.

I suspect he's got a good idea for how to make what's left a going concern.

Just my opinion

Kirks gusset 25th Nov 2011 02:44

Is AEU in administration, that is being run by the Administrators and still trading or is it in Liquidation, i.e ceased trading and being shut down? if it's the latter, then it is no longer a " going concern" The problem may be that even if it still "exists" should the aircarft be retuned to the lease companies, that's game over and there is nothing to "resurrect", either way.. good luck

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