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840 27th Feb 2014 18:57

Normally, I'd agree, but the DAA strike throws a spanner in the works. Even if EI management come to an agreement, there may still be no aircraft flying at that time.

stab3.5up 27th Feb 2014 20:50

The DAA will be the same. All talk and no strike. The Irish love nothing more than talking about going out on stike or as they say at DUB going down to the roundabout when it comes to ah sure now lads it pishing down outside are yah sure bout this. Ah well now pat when you put it like that maybe theressomthin in what them lads are offering sure why dont go see what they got to say and we can get a brekfast roll on the there

jonjoe 27th Feb 2014 21:06

guess its not your pension on the line then……………..

EI-BUD 27th Feb 2014 21:26

It's gas talking about strikes and Dublin Airport. I recall in 1998 when FR baggage handlers went on strike and the whole place went with them, but ironically the only flights taking off were, yes you guess it, Ryanair's!!!!

EI-A330-300 27th Feb 2014 21:45

guess its not your pension on the line then……………..
However much the 4 hour stoppage costs Aer Lingus is coming out of the pensions anyway so its the staff losing money for themselves.

airbourne 27th Feb 2014 21:55

I have 3 EI flights coming up over the next 4 months.

I checked the flights today. 2 of them were more expensive and 1 was the same price. These were supposedly SALE flights!

Jamie2k9 27th Feb 2014 22:09

No such things as sales, it's just effective marking. EI are no different to other airlines. They all have x seats to fill and y operating costs.

All airlines raise prices and drop them back for a sale or they match their competitors prices.

Jack1985 27th Feb 2014 22:38

However much the 4 hour stoppage costs Aer Lingus is coming out of the pensions anyway so its the staff losing money for themselves
What kind of a statement is that? So basically you're saying staff should roll over and let themselves be screwed by a pension fund? They signed up to x and x can no longer be delivered through no fault of there own - They are fully right to request better and an IR dispute is the only way of getting both managements to sort it out - As it will be, before any planned strike goes ahead.

EI-A330-300 27th Feb 2014 22:47

What kind of a statement is that? So basically you're saying staff should roll over and let themselves be screwed by a pension fund? They signed up to x and x can no longer be delivered through no fault of there own - They are fully right to request better and an IR dispute is the only way of getting both managements to sort it out - As it will be, before any planned strike goes ahead.
And it's not the airlines fault either who don't have to give a penny but are giving 140 million.

SIPTU are forcing similar cuts to their members but won't on DAA/EI staff, will they be supportive of their own strike, will the fund some of the hole in their pension. It's double standards by the union.

I agree it will be sorted out but going on strike is just as damaging to staff as the airline and doesn't achieve anything.

Jack1985 27th Feb 2014 23:02

And it's not the airlines fault either who don't have to give a penny but are giving 140 million.

SIPTU are forcing similar cuts to their members but won't on DAA/EI staff, will they be supportive of their own strike, will the fund some of the hole in their pension. It's double standards by the union.

I agree it will be sorted out but going on strike is just as damaging to staff as the airline and doesn't achieve anything.
The trustees who oversee the Irish Airlines Superannuation Scheme (IASS) represent the pension funders (Aer Lingus/DAA) and they thus failed, however both funding parties did nothing about the growing deficit, in 2007 Aer Lingus poured plus 100m into it and were back to square one, the DAA has a lot more to contribute, Aer Lingus also do but in a lesser extent to the DAA. The fact both funding parties allowed the deficit to grow is in employees view, stunning - at the same time they were both trying to cut costs and allowing a white elephant to grow. Not there fault what planet are you living on?

Whatever about the union, the employees they represent for EI/DAA are focused on there issue - regardless of the given double standard.

Strikes are damaging, but the only way for both management to get of there asses and sort this out. The contrary which is to supposedly continue mitigation has failed repeatedly, and time and time and time again. ALL have tried this for months on end with NO result! Enough is enough, they have to act now.

Una Due Tfc 27th Feb 2014 23:45

The fault lies far more with the DAA, and if we are being specific, the old AER RIANTA. And former SR TECHNICS/TEAM AER LINGUS staff are in that scheme too

bannercounty 28th Feb 2014 01:35

Why not go back to Jim Larkin :)

Angry Rebel 28th Feb 2014 09:00

Jack you are wrong on that last one. The trustees are 100% independent and are responsible only to the scheme members. Under trust law the trustees must act in the best interest of the beneficiaries. In fact if you ask many in DAA/EI management about the trustees you will get a rant so don't pretend the are employer puppets!


In addition, when people bladder on about solutions, don't forget that there have been 3/4 different proposals over the last 3 years and none have been taken up. Management and trustees have both tried to find a solution but members/unions did not take up the offers. One of the solutions would have actually fixed the whole problem but the speed of (in)action was such that the market opportunity passed (don't forget a lot of this is due to changes in markets in the form of falling interest rates and investment returns not something the members or employers are doing differently or failing to do).

One issue not all that prominent in all of this has been the potential disconnect between the unions and the members. On this occasion members have voted and you can't argue with that, but at various points over the last few years the unions have definitely NOT acted in their members best interest. Those chickens have yet to come home to roost.

Jack1985 28th Feb 2014 10:11

Quick question who funds the pension?

Sober Lark 28th Feb 2014 11:26

The pension is a big mistake which is compounded by those who think an opportunity for deficit reduction is a strike.

ayroplain 28th Feb 2014 12:45

One issue not all that prominent in all of this has been the potential disconnect between the unions and the members. On this occasion members have voted and you can't argue with that, but at various points over the last few years the unions have definitely NOT acted in their members best interest. Those chickens have yet to come home to roost
Not sure whether this was in relation to Aer Lingus or DAA but I read somewhere recently that the staff themselves don't really want to strike but, when the ballot was set, there was no choice on the ballot paper to NOT strike, only a choice between two forms of industrial action up to strike. Anyone know enough to confirm or deny?

I also recall reading that EI:

1. was of the opinion that this dispute was technically not a "trade dispute" and would be looking into seeking an injunction to stop a strike taking place. I wonder if they'll go down that road.

2. are not legally bound to make any further contribution

I'm surprised, too, that, given the seriousness of this situation which could escalate quickly, the Transport Minister has not done anything - or maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

Angry Rebel 28th Feb 2014 16:05

Originally Posted by Jack1985
Quick question who funds the pension?

You know the answer but I'll play along. It's the same people who fund it in nearly every pension scheme in the world...the employers and the employees. That doesn't create some sort of nefarious conspiracy, it's how pensions work.

@ayroplain - yes EI have had multiple legal opinions to the effect that it's a DC not DB scheme and they are not obliged to put anymore into it. Unfortunately the unions have conflicting advice. Gotta love the lawyers eh?! In a way that is the nub of the issue: EI have legal advice saying you don't owe anything, so if they put money into the scheme shareholders have a legitimate grievance that "their" money is being put into something which doesn't directly improve shareholder returns. That is presumably why management feel they can delivery €140m but no more.

Jack1985 28th Feb 2014 16:13

employers and the employees
Both employer's allowed white elephant to grow despite knowing since the early 2000's of the growing deficit.

who bears responsibility? I'll play along too.

Jack1985 28th Feb 2014 16:39

Aer Lingus has issued an interim alert to all staff which informs that the company will be stopping productivity payments next month unless the strike is called off.

I'm sorry but we are constantly reminded by Aer Lingus' PR teams how good employees are, how caring they are and even the motto Great Care. Great Fare, when you treat employee's like this don't expect compromise - and people have said on this forum strikes achieve nothing, what do you say to same company treating there staff like this? Talk about ramping up tensions.

racedo 28th Feb 2014 17:30

It is expected that the net proceeds of the Offer received by the Comany will be used primarily to finance the expansion and replacement of Aer Lingusν short-haul and long-haul fleet. A one-off pension contribution in 2006 of up to approximately €104 million is also expected to be made by the Company.
The above quote is taken from IPO prospectus dated 12/09/2006 issued by Aer Lingus and its a legal document that persuaded Initial Investors to invest.
Any who still hold Initial shares are free to take an action based on investing where management did not full disclose a future pension liability.

The IPO raised approximately €501 Million Gross.

Now adding in the €140 M to the €104 M already given plus whatever is agreed with Pilots Union basically will mean that Aer Lingus will have contributed 50% of the IPO proceeds to the Pension fund.

Any pension fund contribution will need to be approved by shareholders which is where it could get complicated very quickly.

As Irish Govt hold 25% and tend not to vote then 38% of total shareholders may scupper the deal.

The question Shareholders will ask is what are we getting by giving away €140M owned by us, because it is owned by them and they may feel that given that away is not benefitting them at all.

Copenhagen 1st Mar 2014 00:22

The unions in DAA are a joke, and have been toothless since the Lowrey days when the government and company neutered them through the process called compact.

Epsomdog 1st Mar 2014 10:37

This whole pension fiasco has to come to a head sometime!

It has come about as a result of mismanagement by a number of party's.

1. The Irish government.
2. The pension trustees.
3. The companies involved (EI,DAA etc).
4. The Unions involved (including the staff).

It seems the only way forward is for ALL party's to take a fair share of the pain!

It is unreasonable for the only sufferers to be the future and present pensioners!

The government seems to be sitting on its hands at the moment, as for the trustees! I'm sure they've made sure their pensions are ok!

Sober Lark 3rd Mar 2014 06:25

Where else would you get such a terrific pension of at least 66% of final pay for those earning €60k and above and 89% for those earning under €30k? For the vast majority of people working in any other industry and trying to fund for their own retirement out of income such figures are unimaginable in fact they are phenomenal and bordering on absurd. Sorry, but don't you appreciate how very fortunate you are?

Epsomdog 3rd Mar 2014 11:16

at least 66% of final pay for those earning €60k and above and 89% for those earning under €30k?
If those figures were correct then I might agree with you!

Yes it was a good pension, there's nothing wrong with that being the case.

My point is that it's not fair that people employed for 35 years plus, that have based all their financial planning on what they believed was a rock solid entitlement, should now be told they're not going to recieve as much. At that stage it is too late to make other provisions!

I accept that when things go wrong then there will be a degree of "pain". My view is that should be shared equitably amongst ALL parties!

Jack1985 3rd Mar 2014 11:35

My point is that it's not fair that people employed for 35 years plus, that have based all their financial planning on what they believed was a rock solid entitlement, should now be told they're not going to recieve as much. At that stage it is too late to make other provisions!
Well said.

EI-A330-300 3rd Mar 2014 13:00

A joint government-ICTU-Ibec expert panel to look at the issue, SIPTU asked to defer action howver they currently have "no plans" to do so.

Cyrano 3rd Mar 2014 19:08

Originally Posted by EI-A330-300 (Post 8350192)
A joint government-ICTU-Ibec expert panel to look at the issue, SIPTU asked to defer action howver they currently have "no plans" to do so.

Give them a day or two and they may suddenly discover an ability to rethink their plans...:hmm:

EI-A330-300 4th Mar 2014 15:06

EY increase their stake in EI from 2.987% to 3.01%


racedo 4th Mar 2014 16:12

EY increase their stake in EI from 2.987% to 3.01%
Really makes no difference as can never take it over and even getting to 49% and having others support it would fall fowl of law.

EI-A330-300 6th Mar 2014 21:42

Really makes no difference as can never take it over and even getting to 49% and having others support it would fall fowl of law.
Well aware of the law, just pointing it out.

Anyway here is the damage on 14 March.

30 cancelled flights.
42 rescheduled flights.

Not to mention the lease in costs and costs of giving passengers to other airlines to.

4.30 tomorrow the a decision expected on Ryanair's appeal.

racedo 6th Mar 2014 22:40

4.30 tomorrow the a decision expected on Ryanair's appeal.
You mean LATEST decision as still many lawyers who need their holidays to be paid for.

EI-A330-300 6th Mar 2014 23:11

You're probably right however I feel MOlL is slowly coming around to the idea that it won't happen at all and once these last few appeals runs their course it will come to an end and sooner he will sell up. If that doesn't happen the Ryanair board will get sick of MOL and tell him sell up like they told him stop treating customers like ****.

Jack1985 6th Mar 2014 23:48

If that doesn't happen the Ryanair board will get sick of MOL and tell him sell up like they told him stop treating customers like ****.
You got it in one, board is already dismayed with the shareholding - In the words of Cawley, ''Ryanair's single worst decision''.

Sober Lark 7th Mar 2014 08:19

These types of pension schemes may provide very favourable benefits but there is nothing in legislation preventing increased taxation on these benefits during drawdown.

DollarBill 7th Mar 2014 11:33

To my mind the early cancellation/rescheduling of the EI flights on 14th is a sign that they are unwilling to talk to SIPTU in order to avert this disruption.

Someone asked earlier about who funds the pension....the answer is employees and employers. No smoke and mirrors there.
However in the case of the IASS the problem has been known about for many years, but EI still make their staff pay into this fund. Most of the staff just want to stop throwing money into an empty pit. But their contract with EI stipulates that they must pay into the IASS. This is why the staff are unhappy with EI (I'm not sure if the same holds for the DAA staff)

The unions/mgmt actually agreed a proposal a year ago but was it was delayed by the trustee's. Since that time the situation has worsened so the unions are asking for an extra E50M between both companies to plug the gap to enable employees to get most of their entitlement and then be able to start paying into a new pension for each company. (BTW EI has over 1 Billion Euro in new cash reserves, with less than E350M of that ringfenced for aircraft leasing and purchases)
Meanwhile every month every member of the pension is getting deducted salary that they may never see again.

On the issue of the statement by EI of with-holding 'productivity payments'.....these payments are a once off bonus (less than E6.5m for 2014) given to staff in return for the E97m yearly savings generated as part of the Greenfield plan. So EI refusing to honour their own agreement shows the lack of integrity that prevails among EI senior mgmt.

Personally I do not feel this work stoppage will aid the workers, the deficit will still be there and it will only antagonise the travelling public. However looking at public statements I feel that EI senior Mgmt do not really want to avert this action. I recognise that extra payments are not seen as viable by the EI CEO or the DAA mgmt. But if I was a CEO with 1 Billion in the bank...and I was told I could give E50M to be finally rid of this pension issue (coupled with a pay freeze for 3 years) I would be jumping at that chance.

racedo 7th Mar 2014 11:33

You're probably right however I feel MOlL is slowly coming around to the idea that it won't happen at all and once these last few appeals runs their course it will come to an end and sooner he will sell up.
Ryanair have stated on a number of occasions they are more than happy to sell to anybody who comes in with an offer.
That was said approx 2 years ago and yet no offers received.......that in itself tells a story, a very limited number of buyers.

It will not be from a non EU airline as they cannot hold that % of shares........
max they can hold is 49.9%
BUT if they bought FRs holding under Stock Exchange rules they are required to make an offer for whole company which they physically could not do.
One negates the other and Stock Exchange would not change rules for what would be a very minor takeover.

As for being worst decision think you need to put it into the context when that was stated.
Worst decision BUT not a wrong decision............that was what David Bonderman was stating.

Board agreed to make that decision not a single person and despite what people like to assume that what M'OL says goes I don't think any of the board members are Yes people.
Doubt David Bonderman would have enjoyed the success he has in life if he peopled boards with Yes men.

racedo 7th Mar 2014 11:39

But if I was a CEO with 1 Billion in the bank...and I was told I could give E50M to be finally rid of this pension issue (coupled with a pay freeze for 3 years) I would be jumping at that chance.
They are scheduled to give €140 million minimum NOT €50 million and that doesn't include pilots scheme. They gave €104 million on float as I have already shown.

CEO cannot give any money without shareholder approval as ultimately it is their company not Managements or Employers.

The €97 saving is a smokescreen as many staff who left and returned to generate that saving were paid handsomely for doing so and also got their tax liability to the Irish Govt paid for by Aer Lingus.

j636 7th Mar 2014 18:30

So the UK have dismissed Ryanair appeal however Ryanair are now appealing to the court of appeal in UK.

Hangar6 7th Mar 2014 18:59

If only Ducksie could give all his legal fees wasted on rich lawyers to the pension fund, his EI shares would double in value and his worst business decision would come good. The lawyers are making a killing here on all sides, what a waste

DollarBill 7th Mar 2014 19:42

Racedo.... I didn't mean to give the impression that it was only E50M. I should have been more clear. That figure is the extra that the unions are looking for from both company's. This would be on top of the LRC solution of 140m total from EI. So perhaps E30M of EI cash (subject of course to shareholder approval)

The EI pilots pension fund is a separate body and EI have no liability for that.

The E97M figure is NOT a smoke screen. It was delivered under the 2010-2012 Greenfield plan. The "leave and return" scheme that you refer to was part of the 2007 plan under that useless CEO Dermot Mannion that appeared to save money but didnt in reality.

And on that note it was under the CEO-ship of Mannion that the statement about the "once off payment E104M to end liability" was made. At that point the IASS fund was in the black. EI should have addressed the issue then when it was the 'boom years' and gotten themselves away from it.
Mueller apparently was pretty peeved to discover that EI never actually ended their liability at this time. So yes EI Execs from 2006 did give untrue statements to prospective investors. (as well as playing hard a fast with tax liabilites as regards lump sum payments)

Looking back it is a shame that EI did not get Mueller onboard in 2005-2006, instead they got a bungling CEO who made what appears to be huge mistakes and losses for EI.

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