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Airbubba 7th Jul 2005 19:38

Air India Wetlease to Avoid Jet Airways U.S. 'Al-Qaida' Ban
Jet gets to fly US, thanks to A-I



MUMBAI: Jet Airways has discovered a smart way to circumvent the existing ban on flying to the US — and it has Air India to thank for it.

Jet, which is currently barred from flying to US due to an ongoing investigation by US aviation authorities, is negotiating a new wet lease agreement with the country’s national carrier.

Under this new agreement, Air India will deploy Jet’s aircraft and crew on the London-New York sector. This will be a win-win situation for both airlines.

While Jet gets to fly around the ban, Air-India will be able to deploy additional planes on this busy route and in the process earn much needed revenues.

As things stand, Jet will continue to fly daily from Mumbai to London, using its three Boeing aircraft. On reaching London, the same aircraft will proceed to New York.

Only this time it will represent Air-India. The prospect of a Jet Airways aircraft, replete with its airline logo and crew members landing in US could create a piquant situation for US aviation authorities, especially since the airline has been barred from flying to US on security grounds.

Sources in the know say that the move is meant to deliver a clear message to American authorities that if the country’s flagship carrier is ready to stand by Jet, there is no reason why US authorities should doubt its credentials.

Both airlines confirmed that negotiations were on for a temporary aircraft leasing agreement, but refused to divulge specific details.

Saroj Datta, executive director, Jet airways told TOI, ‘‘The modalities of the aircraft leasing deal with AI are currently being worked out. The idea is to optimally utilise our aircraft that were to operate on the US routes. It will be a temporary arrangement and we will operate on our own once we get the nod from US authorities.’’

Jet is awaiting clearance from US authorities like the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the US Department of Transport (DOT).

It has filed a legal suit in the US against the lesser-known American company by the same name which has no airline operations.

It had taken three long-haul aircraft on lease from South African Airways to service the Mumbai-London-US route. However, its US plans went into a tailspin after a Delaware-based company called Jet Airways Inc filed a complaint against it.

It said any permission to Jet Airways India would endanger US national security as the Indian carrier had ‘Al-Qaida’ links — an allegation the Indian company has strongly denied.

akerosid 7th Jul 2005 20:02

If the US authorities were taking the claims of the Delaware co. remotely seriously, surely it wouldn't matter whose aircraft was operating the route; it would still be a Jet Airways flight?

I suspect this chap has completely the wrong end of the stick.

Golf Charlie Charlie 7th Jul 2005 20:05

If Jet Airways is not allowed to fly into the US, why were their new Heathrow services approved ?

Airbubba 7th Jul 2005 21:15

>>If Jet Airways is not allowed to fly into the US, why were their new Heathrow services approved ?<<

UK authorities have so far felt the Al-Qaida link was not credible or perhaps not relevant to UK interests.

>>Jet Airways currently barred by American Government for alleged ties to Al-Queda plans to fly in American skies using Air India disguise – why? <<

Adding to Ms. Hardsalami's (sp.) report above, some analysis from an Indian Expat publication in the U.S.:

India Daily News Network
Jul. 7, 2005

Should America allow Jet Airways to fly in America till the American authorities complete their investigation of Jet Airway’s alleged link to Al-Queda or other terror groups? Why is it that Jet Airways cannot wait till American Authorities complete their investigations?

Jet Airways in banned from flying in American skies till American authorities complete their investigations about allegation that Jet Airways is controlled by the Al-Queda interests indirectly. Jet apparently found a way around.

Jet Airways is negotiating a new wet lease agreement with India’s national carrier Air India.

Under this new agreement, Air India will deploy Jet’s aircraft and crew on the London-New York sector. This will be a win-win situation for both airlines.

While Jet gets to fly around the ban, Air-India will be able to deploy additional planes on this busy route and in the process earn much needed revenues.

As things stand, Jet will continue to fly daily from Mumbai to London, using its three Boeing aircraft. On reaching London, the same aircraft will proceed to New York.

The biggest question the Indian Americans are asking especially those who live in NY and NJ area is why jet airways cannot wait till the investigations are over, What the Indian expatriates are concerned about is the fact Indian private business ventures can easily be bought by the Islamic Jihadists to strike against America. The quick money approach of Indian businesses make it very easy for oil funded rich middle eastern influences to get hold of Indian private business infrastructure to enter America and hurt innocent people causing massive terror activities.

Indian American are uneasy about Jet Airways circumventing the American authorities attempt to go into the depth of the matter and find out if Jet has links to Al-Queda. If Jet do not have any link, they will be cleared and it will be regarded by the American Indians as a safe airlines.


rsoman 8th Jul 2005 05:52

I understand it a little differently.

If Jet is under investigation, Jet's aircraft cannot fly to US till the issue is resolved, whether under Air India's label or under anyone else's.

It is summer, and the Indian politicians like to travel like everyone else. The wise men in India also like to tag their family along. We had one memorable chap who took his grand children along as well on an african jaunt, saying that the kids wants to see the giraffes... (or was it some other exotic species...). Currently we have had a local head honcho going to Israel and Dubai (what a combo......) but since his birthday is falling in between, has carried along the whole family too.......!

The seniormost honchos ..... the President/Vice President/PM et all have the privilege to go in their exclusive aircraft. However since the VIP aircraft of the government are a few antique 737s, for their international trips, these guys commandeer aircraft from Air India. Nothing less than a 747 (310s wont do ,it wont even fit the family properly let alone the assorted press cops who are dutifully carried to report among other things whether the worthy in question ate Chicken or Lamb for dinner- if he ate beef - well no one will report - after all there is the Hindu vote..!).

Well, as I understand the politicians are travelling all round the world (the PM went to SIN and wasted no time in jet setting to Glenagles soon after) and unfortunately Air India finds that it is struggling to accomodate the fare paying passengers.... So they have decided to get some help from Jet (nothing unsual....they are already helping out Air india in the maintenance of their 737 NGs used by Air India Express). As I understand, the 340s are to be used in the non US routes where the 747s are deployed (like the LON turnarounds andthe NRT route), while the 747s thus freed up will be used to cover up for those pulled out for the political jaunts.

InitRef 8th Jul 2005 11:09

What the Indian expatriates are concerned about is the fact Indian private business ventures can easily be bought by the Islamic Jihadists to strike against America. The quick money approach of Indian businesses make it very easy for oil funded rich middle eastern influences to get hold of Indian private business infrastructure to enter America and hurt innocent people causing massive terror activities.
Those Indian expatriates should get in closer touch with what's going in India. Jet Airways is not a private business - but a publicly listed company - that has a lot more visibility into their finances.

Also, Jet's CEO is an Austrian national - surely he's not an Al-Qaida sleeper?

Let's face it - the allegations have all come from a small company called Jet Airways Inc in the US - who started by objecting to Jet Airways India's name, and moved on to bigger allegations. The US Jet Airways does not even own any airplanes.... This is simply an extortion scheme run by the US Jet Airways with some help from Jet India's competitors....

rsoman 8th Jul 2005 12:29

This is simply an extortion scheme run by the US Jet Airways with some help from Jet India's competitors....

Well so what is new? Didnt Southwest have some delay way back in the 70s to get off the ground aftersome rather trivial delaying tactics by its competitors ? Par for the course - you should have aniticipated possible delays and plugged loopholes instead of jumping post haste to get aircraft even before clearances were received

Jet may be realising a little slowly that getting things fixed in the US may not be as easy as in India. This is not to suggest any wrong doing from their side, but only to comment that they seem to have been a little impatient with their US routes. And with an open skies agreement in place, would a little patience have hurt?

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