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srs what? 1st May 2004 14:27

BBC reports that 300 jobs.

Can anyone explain why passengers won't be protected by ATOL?

AppleMacster 1st May 2004 14:47

srs what?

The CAA ATOL page is here

It just says an airline can opt out of the scheme, but only if they tell you at the time of booking.


BRUpax 1st May 2004 15:04

Not entirely surprised I have to say, but nevertheless sad for all who have lost their jobs. Still, for every airline that goes down another emerges sooner or later. Hopefully it won't be too long before all Duo staff have found employment again. I wish you all luck.

Harrier46 1st May 2004 16:15

SRS what?

The logic behind the ATOL scheme is that if you are a scheduled airline and sell tickets directly to your customers you don't need it because you will not go bust and they will happily fly off into the sunset! However if you are a travel agent, tour operator or anybody else organising air travel you are likely to go bust just as soon as you take payment from the poor unsuspecting passenger and you must pay up for the ATOL bond to provide for this likelihood. What a black and white world the CAA live in.

A300Man 1st May 2004 17:13

The thing that got us all about this one was the total lack of warning. Sure, there were rumors abound about EAC, MYT and others who have failed or who are in trouble.

But, unless I was on another planet, this one came right out of the blue.

Regardless, Good Luck to everyone at Duo in your search for alternative employment. I wish you all the very best.

beamer 1st May 2004 19:06

Handling agents at BHX have been flagging this one for a couple of months - not enough pax at the end of the day apparently.

There ARE jobs out there guys - good luck to all of you.

srjumbo 1st May 2004 21:35

Sorry for being thick but who owned the airline, where was it based, where and with what did it fly and why has it folded? Good luck to those who have lost jobs! It could be any of us tomorrow!!

Arkroyal 1st May 2004 21:37

Bad luck all.

Wait for the bookings (and loot) from all those Bank Holiday travellers, then shut up shop and bank the lot.

Stranded, who cares. In the end it's what the loco punter asked for after all:confused:

TartinTon 2nd May 2004 07:35

To clarify, BA was using Maersk at the time to develop routes with a view to taking them off them when they reached a certain level of profitability (BHXFCO) totally in breach of the franchise agreement but AP Moller didn't have the balls to stand up to them. Maersk actually had a chance to be BMI Regional in between signings of the franchise agreement but didn't have the foresight (or competent Managing Director) to cut the BA bonds at the time.

Clear enough?

TopBunk 2nd May 2004 07:42


Clear, well no, not really.

Exactly which routes did BA actually 'take back' from Maersk, as opposed to your conjecture that they would at some point in the future, for which you offer no proof.

Anyway, as I said in my first post, my thoughts are for those now looking for a new job, anything else is just chewing the cud.

KEPIT 2 YUSEN 2nd May 2004 07:53

Well almost right
Tartin Ton

What you say may have been true 5 - 6 years ago, it doesn't really reflect on recent events. Duo have had a free hand to do as they please and it still has not worked. Maybe operating the wrong aircraft type for a low cost airline was the problem, maybe too many "old hands" were still there with their heads stuck in yesteryear putting too much of a drain on funds - who knows?

One things for sure, having worked there at one time, it was not through lack of dedication or commitment by it's excellent staff who have sacrificed a lot in the interests of success - may they be rewarded quickly with job offers befitting them.

TartinTon 2nd May 2004 10:16

I almost agree with you Kepit. I worked there as well and know that the vast majority of the staff were knowledgable, capable, committed people who deserve to be re-employed as quickly as possible. If only some people had been a bit braver/visionary 4 years ago, things could have been a lot different.

hec7or 2nd May 2004 10:23

A Brief History of duo (VB)
A Pilot's Perspective

duo airways was not a new airline, it was just another brand and change of ownership for VB, formerly Birmingham Executive Airways/ Birmingham European Airways/ Brymon European/ Maersk Air Ltd and finally duo.

The company operated for nearly 17 years from BHX flying Gulfstream 1s, Jetstream 31/41s, a SAAB 340, a Shed, BAC 1-11s, Boeing 737-500s and finally CRJs.

The heyday was the BAC 1-11 and B737 operation as a BA franchise partner in the 1990s, but whatever the paintjob and whoever the owners were, the staff worked professionally and tirelessly trying to make it succeed and it provided a smooth takeoff to many pilot's careers.


AVIACO 2nd May 2004 10:46


You have very succintly and honestly posted what several of us are thinking. duo (in all its previous guises too) was an excellent company to be associated with. My favourite era was the 1-11 days.

Good luck to everyone in your searches for new careers.


warkman 2nd May 2004 11:37

I liked Duo, I used them regulary for trips BHX-GOT, good price and good service. However one time I went to book and the route had gone without notice. It turned out they were in a pricing/route war with City Airlines, a GOT based company, who the GOT companies booked with to support local industry and the route became unviable for DUO.
Next thing, only City Airline/BM code share operated the route, normal pricing became £500 GBP regardless of how far in advance you booked.

The staff were very good :-(

No Mode Charlie 2nd May 2004 16:41

K2Y, completely wrong
Well, at least in one subject.

If anybody from duo would have heard you call them a low-cost airline they would have been displeased to say the least! They were certainly NOT a low cost carrier, you clearly haven't been on one of their flights otherwise you would have been able to tell the difference.

The whole strategy was to offer service rather than low cost! Given more time and money I'm sure it would have worked, sad to see them gone!

Good luck all in finding jobs elsewhere!

Dom Joly 2nd May 2004 17:29

Thank you N.M.C. - it is nice to be appreciated.

If only more passengers had passed on their experiences of the service then we may not be in this situation. The company firmly believed that word of mouth was the best form of advertising. This was totally against the front line crews opinions who knew that hard advertising was required in the first place to get these passenegers.

The local rag 'Sunday Mercury' however winds me up a lot more than being mistaken for a low cost. They have front and second page devoted to the distress caused to the approx. 1200 passengers that would be travelling with duo over this weekend. They make a big feature of the fact that it is unlikely they will get a refund. However, the company almost solely operates on web/telephone bookings. In order to make the payment for travel I'd be surprised if less than 99% paid by credit card. In which case they will be refunded by their credit card companies. They will still unfortunately have to find alternative transport which will probably cost more than the duo ticket and may well be delayed further whilst arranging this transport.

To these people, as a a duo pilot I am sincerely sorry. Speaking for the air crews, we prided ourselves in trying to make a difference in all areas where it counted.

Back to the Mercury. If only 1% therefore lost their fares is this such big news? Hypopthetically 1% of 1200 = 12 passengers. I'm sure this won't mean that the unfortunate passenger will be unable to make their mortgage payments and have to sell their house due to it. All in all realy missing the mark I feel.

What would have been more news worthy would be the 300 odd employees who have hung on in there over the years with eroding Terms and Conditions and no pay rise in over 4 years (even pay cuts this and last year).

Now there is something worthy of mention. Brum folk do there every bit to make a company work and having the rug pulled from beneath them just when success is around the corner!

Once again my sympathies to all the employees and passengers who have suffered. We gave it our very best shot.

KEPIT 2 YUSEN 2nd May 2004 18:24

Not wrong, maybe misinformed.
NMC - You right, I haven't been on a duo flight but knowing the "gals and guys" , you would not get a better standard of service. It comes naturally to them !

I would not insult one of them by confusing "low cost" with "cheap and nasty" however, I am on their mailing list and only 2 weeks ago was e-mailed some very attractive Summer prices which compared favourably when I checked them against low cost carriers - I checked! I think the message and strategy never really got out to enough people effectively.

Sadly word of mouth is not enough nowadays and I agree that given time, those guys would have made it work.

Dom - Good luck all of you !

grow45 2nd May 2004 18:30

As SLF on the EDI - ZRH route (but obviously not often enough - sorry) can I just add a few words of thanks to the crews who did such a good job and have lost their jobs. I thought the product was great and got the impression that load factors were starting to increase. A bit more time and money might have made all the difference and maybe the administrators will be able to find a buyer and allow at least some of you to keep your jobs.

Thanks and best of luck for your futures.


Dom Joly 2nd May 2004 18:32

K 2 Y

Cheers - Hope to see you around.

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