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Pembo330 31st Mar 2004 14:05

Monarch Summer Schedule
Can anyone outline the summer aircraft basings and routes for Monarch airlines please?

Does anyone know how Monarch are doing at the moment and what their future plans maybe?

As ever, thanks in advance. :ok:

GoEDI 31st Mar 2004 15:48

I think they are basing an A321 at EDI for the summer, as it will be doing all the MON routes from EDI.

BEST L/CONTROLLER 31st Mar 2004 16:44

There operating 1 a week to PMI from LBA, it's been nearly 10 years since theye had a scheduled service from LBA and then they had a based A320


jmc757 31st Mar 2004 17:12

One less A321 at BHX this year, down to a 1 aircraft base, first time for a while.

Basil the Batlord 31st Mar 2004 19:58

well the biggest mistake Monarch have made in a long time was late last year when they decided to shaft their commercial department by forcibly moving the experienced team to Gatwick. Naturally most of them said no, and now Monarch have a weak commercial team who are not particularly well respected in the industry. To make matters worse, the guys that got shafted are now working for the competition and skinning them alive at every opportunity.

BOTFOJ 1st Apr 2004 09:33

would that be Excel Basil? current bad boys of PPRuNe? presume they will get the blame again when it all goes wrong...

Captain Lampshade 1st Apr 2004 10:24


I was very interested in your comments regarding Monarch's weak commercial dept and would be interested to hear how you come to that conclusion.
If you work for another airline as sugested then i would guess you would have little contact with them. More to the point if you have time to knock the competition you either cannot be very busy, you've taken your eye off the ball, or perhaps you were not offered a position in the new regime.

I have found both the old and new team to be highly professional and commercially minded.

Cargo 1st Apr 2004 18:32


Are you referring to the Monarch Scheduled Commercial Dept or the Airline's Team or both?

From what I've seen, the Scheduled guys are holding their own.

Does anybody have any info on future Scheduled expansion?


Flightrider 1st Apr 2004 19:26

Oh, for god's sake, give it a rest.

Basil and Botfoj, why do you need to chat on here when your company intranet would surely suffice just as well? Is inter-office communication so bad that you need to resort to these means?

And for the record, I thought the Monarch team were actually doing quite well. I don't believe you are genuinely so dismissive of their ability to compete with you.

Monde 1st Apr 2004 21:11

I don't know why anyone's having a go at Basil - believe me he's spot on in everything he says. As for the schedules - great product , insufficient advertising equals ok loads, but could do better.. It's more of a consolidation summer for ZB this year with no new destinations but mainly increased frequencies....

Buster the Bear 1st Apr 2004 21:22

A certain Mr Crick said last Autumn in the travel trade press, "More scheduled flights from Luton are coming".

Luton awaits more Monarch Sceduled services!


Fokker-off 2nd Apr 2004 07:12

I agree Monde

Monarch commercial has taken a nosedive recently. Certain individuals in that dept are very awkward to deal with to say the least!

And before anyone comments....no I don't work for Excel !

unwiseowl 2nd Apr 2004 09:22

Monarch have flown far fewer ad-hoc charters than normal, this spring.

im going in 3rd Apr 2004 07:22

very true about Monarch flying less ad-hocs, but they have been flying more schedule services so the a/c are being utilised in that sense.

Harrier46 3rd Apr 2004 07:46

They must be doing very well as the answer is always "no availability" when asking for a charter. And that's in the winter period. Or maybe they can't be bothered?

im going in 3rd Apr 2004 08:11

Guess it depends when you ask, and what you ask for. Weekends are busy, midweek not so.

Jamesair 3rd Apr 2004 15:26


I note your comment about insufficient advertising for Monarch Scheduled. I can't agree with that, living in London I have noticed a huge amount of newspaper advertising and I have also noticed quite a few huge hoarding poster adverts in central London listing their flights from London and Manchester. All in all 100% better and more effective than last year.

numbercruncher 5th Apr 2004 08:07

I feel somewhat compelled to come to the defence of the mud slinging of the commercial sales department.

Those particularly negative posters clearly worked for the previous commercial sales team and decided not to or were not asked to join the new team being based in Crawley.

I work for the airline and have to say I have only positive things to say about the team, the manner in which they work, the absolute desire to win and that they have the best interests of Monarch at heart. Yes they are new to us but not to the sector all have pedigree and you will always find those who may not like certain individuals in any company (normally because they are jealous).

Now to back up the data so far supplied by those who think they know but don't....

Winter 2003/4 I concur less ad-hocs have been flown and this is primarily because (as already stated) of increased scheduled activity plus the damp lease of an aircraft. More importantly and to quantify this, what has been flown (some 250 hours less than the previous year) has been flown at a significantly increased margin meaning that though less adhoc activity, more money has been made. FACT

I therefore ask you, what conclusions does one come to about the previous incumbant sales team in Luton and their relative abilities and the new one.

Seems to me the PB and the mangement have made a far better decision losing the dead wood and brining in the new blood.

As for those who previously worked in Luton and have moved on to pastures new, the very very best of luck to you all, I for one sincerely hope you continue to sell in the same way as you sold when in LTN, then the eventual downfall will just come much quicker!

Numbercruncher :O

Monde 5th Apr 2004 17:14

Nice FIRST post there NC , either t'internet has made it down to the Crawley office or you're the first (no pun intended) person in LTN that i know thats got a good word to say about the new sales regime. I haven't laughed so much since you said we had a standby A300 this summer (!!)
Which ad-hocs have been flown which made more money than last year then ?- the rugby, the Puentes , the odd few footie charters compared to last season ?? - i don't think so somehow as the rates look pretty similar to me , and you're trying to tell us all that 250 hrs less flying has generated more profit - dream on... - although granted the NBO's did ok before they too went elsewhere .
It looks like PB's decision to bring in his mates has backfired big-time , apart from an Amritsar series which made f''@k-all what else new has FA managed to sell compared to the substantial flying that's been lost to the competition - additional Avro Malaga's ??. If the ZB's don't perform this summer then things could get very stormy indeed (i quote PB to a senior ZB manager - FACT)
TTFN - sorry if this is off topic guys...

Monde 5th Apr 2004 18:25

p.s. before someone asks , i have never been a member of the previous commercial sales team....

numbercruncher 7th Apr 2004 15:54

Work in LTN and have done so for many years and the internet does work here FACT

FA doing well contrary to those who have left would have u believe, I see the management accounts (hence the 250 hours and improved margin FACT), the fact of the matter is those who sold before clearly did so without knowledge of market rates.

Clearly for those who have left, to be bitter enough to write such drivel, one has to assume the grass is looking a bit browner than originally assumed over the other side of the fence.

I have never felt the need to post before as have been quite happy browsing, but what has been said on this board is to try to distable a very happy ship. If you and your colleagues monde want to keep this thread going do so,feel free, but it merely shows immaturity and I will not bother posting any more as it obviously is used for your childish giggles at the replies.

We´re quite happy here, get on with it, you´ve made your beds now lie in them.

Monarch continues to flourish and judging from your posts is MUCH better off without you.

qwertyuiop 7th Apr 2004 19:03


Come clean, have you left Monarch or are you still within?

rock737 7th Apr 2004 21:58


Does anyone know if Monarch plan to operate the East midlands to amritsar schedules this summer and what aircraft type theyll be? This winter started as 1x 757 weekly then went to 2x 757 weekly and then last month to 1x A300 weekly through aircraft upgrade and did away with the 2nd weekly service.

U/S President 7th Apr 2004 22:30

Back to Cargo’s question, can someone enlighten those of us who don’t work for Monarch: What department(s) have been moved from LTN to Crawley? :confused: Is the airline now split with the Monarch Scheduled commercial dept (and all the rest of the airline?) in Prospect House at LTN and just the chater/adhoc commercial dept now in Crawley? If so, why would they do this?

Whoever answers first can write FACT after their answer as a reward. ;)

Whiskey Zulu 8th Apr 2004 07:36

I don't know. FACT ;)

G-AZUK 8th Apr 2004 12:55

U/S President wrote:

If so, why would they do this?

many people WITHIN Monarch are still baffled by this question although since numbercruncher crunched the numbers, maybe he could enlighten us, and maybe he could pop over to the Monarch forum for a more detailed explanation as he seems to have all the FACTs,

Flightrider 8th Apr 2004 14:43

Beware of regal fifth columnists.....

Monde 8th Apr 2004 22:05

Interesting reply there NC - i will try not to use the word FACT in my reply as it sounds too much like David Brent for my liking and you know what a great and mature manager he was....
Your obvious committment and belief in the new regime are to be commended as a loyal employee ,but as a recently departed employee (six weeks) i would like to put you straight about a few things if i may be so bold.
If you think MON is a happy ship at the moment ,then you are as diluded as the accountant who reckons that the winters ad-hoc flying (250 hrs less)has made more contribution than last year - who did they use to work for - Airtours/ Shell / Enron and while they're there ,can they help me sort out my end of year tax codes too??.
Staff morale (any) is a thing of the past ,whilst PB has imposed such huge cuts that it is now to the detriment of the product and the staff. Most of them would leave tomorrow if they could ,but are tied to LTN in some way or are simply hanging on for their pension, such is the depth of their plight . If you don't believe me ,register for the MON forum (i can't anymore),and see what the employees really think about what's happening to the company - they clearly don't believe it "continues to flourish", far from it ,and there's a lot of people questioning the way the company's going and being run. Look at the amount of people who can see thru all your salesman blags questioning the whole First thing - why when every airline in the UK are vertically integrating do MON create a divide within?? How about putting a poll on there asking what the troops really think about your beloved First Aviation ,compared to the old sales force ??- your eyes will not like the results i can tell you.
I'm not suggesting things were perfect before, but to lose the best (although you reckon incompetant!!)staff to the opposition and then lose loads of work in the same direction - without anything substantial coming back in return , beggars belief to most employees.
My comments about the commercial move were first made over six months ago and were not at all meant to "distable" anything (thought this place was west of LTN on the A505!!) but to simply let people know my grave concerns at the way things had been (badly)handled and the future implications for the company. I therefore took Mac's great advice of a few years ago - "if you don't like it " etc , - i didn't ,so i did.!!
The staff at MON are great people - the company's biggest asset, and the aircrew , i can't find words to describe what great professionals and people they ALL are . They deserve better from their superiors but under the whole new management regime i'm not sure they're gonna get it..
Right, i'm off to enjoy myself some more in Crawley , however my log fires running low and i think i know where i can find some "dead-wood". !!

colegate 11th Apr 2004 18:20

I am somewhat surprised about some of these comments about Monarch. It does not seem to me to matter where their commercial departmnet is based. It is surely what they do that matters.

In respect of their scheduled services, these have grown rapidly over the past couple of years. I am a regular user on their Malaga route. I can assure anyone who reads this that their service levels are higher than those on BA. Their prices are very competitive and judging by the loads that I have seen the service is very popular. Incidentally their Internet site is excellent. I find it to be the easiest to use of any airline. Their phone service is also excellent.

On top of all that they have had a reputation for 36 yeras now of being a very competent operator.

I wish them very good luck and I hope to see further expansion of their services between Gatwick and Malaga. The market is certainly there.

EIDW Spotter 12th Apr 2004 22:13

Re: Monarch Summer Schedule

Was wondering if anyone knew if Monarch were basing any equipment in Dublin this summer? If so would anyone know the type?

im going in 12th Apr 2004 23:18

An A306 will be operating through Dublin on behalf on Airtours.

qwertyuiop 13th Apr 2004 12:41

EIDW will be served by 1 A300 this summer, same as last summer. That is unless something changes.

chip butty 21st Apr 2004 19:16

sorry to drag this back to the top but...
numbercruncher, I sent you two PM's. Pls check your inbox.


rentaghost 27th Apr 2004 17:46

What did "numbercruncher" have to say for himself then 'chip butty'???

E cam 27th Apr 2004 22:41

Is there any truth in the rumour that Monarch's new Cheif Exec has awarded himself a 40% pay rise?

stanley37uk 3rd May 2004 15:55

Monarch summer Schedule
Hi , can anyone help .
I am flying with MON EDI/AGP and see , instead of straight back to EDI as last year after 1430 arrival , it does not get back till 0210 !! Presume it makes another leg somewhere , just curious .


factanonverba 3rd May 2004 18:31

I haven't seen the EDI programme but your times could be linked to the a/c operating a W pattern. i.e. your return flight inbound to EDI will be after the a/c returnsfrom AGP to say GLA and then operates back to AGP to operate your return service to EDI. Just a guess.

GW76 3rd May 2004 18:44

If its on a Sunday then its a W pattern through GLA - Flight MON5866 ;)

thebeehive 3rd May 2004 20:56

Hi all,

I am flying LGW-PFO-LGW in September of this year, wednesday both times.

Wondering if anyone knew what aircraft type is likely to be operating the routes?



thomas_ba 3rd May 2004 21:35

Im sure its the A300

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