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rags 1st Jul 2003 13:59

Copied from African Pilot Magazine( www.africanpilot.co.za)

Warning on flights into Zambia
Received from Ted Huddlestone.

I am not sure whether your publication will reach all the affected aviators, but I believe if my message can reach the ears of even one aviator “potentially at risk” I will have achieved something to prevent a repeat of my recent experience.

The message is that Civil Aviation is under the control of the Zambian Air Force in that country and the warning is to make sure that pilots, even those on private flights as I was, have permits to enter the country. But pilots also require permits to fly to any other destination within the country. I won’t go too deeply into the grilling that I received that eventful Friday morning 27th June at Lusaka, save to say that I was given the “third degree” for failing to comply with this latter requirement. Threats of impounding the aircraft, imprisonment and heavy fines were hinted at, followed by a five-hour delay at the airport. My assertion that the briefing officer who accepted my flight plan to/from the private strip on the banks of the Zambezi River and should have requested details of my permit if it was such an important matter, fell on deaf ears. The Air Force Captain that apprehended me after my return from the airstrip, who was quite happy to receive R200 in cash in order for me to proceed with my journey, was the most unpleasant character in the whole charade. The Colonel at Air Force Headquarters in the City, who was “not available” for the first four and half hours of my detention, is the Zambian Director of Civil Aviation. He permitted me to leave in the end, provided I was “very nice” to his men, after earlier accusing me of a deliberate violation of their airspace, and imposing an ad hoc $250.00 fine. I was so relieved at the prospect of leaving their charming country that I gave their “civil” head of the Permits Department R100 as well. This he accepted with a huge smile on his face, as well as my packet of chips and toasted sandwich, (in which I had long before lost interest and deliberately kept on my person until they were icy cold; but he chomped them anyway!!!) Seriously, this was a most unpleasant experience and it will take me some time to recover from that event. Fortunately I was alone, as I had left my colleagues at the camp. It was a most pleasant five and a half hour flight in the PC12 direct from Lusaka to Cape Town at Level 260.Somehow I think the aircraft felt my pure exhilaration at speeding all the way home with two hours fuel to spare at Charlie Tango!!!

By the way, did you know that the R145 (south-east of Upington), despite a published restriction of FL195, is sometimes closed to traffic over weekends at up to 80 thousand feet? If you don’t believe me, ask Cape Town ATC.

One can only be warned

:E :E

The Claw 1st Jul 2003 15:25

Welcome to Africa boet!
That wouldn't be Lt Colonel Chikwanda by any chance? I'm afraid that is a "hang-up" from the bush war days, everyone is a spy! Unfortunately in Zambia's case they normally where! :} Lucky it wasn't given to the police, I'd rather buy them a three course meal than end up in the hands of those b:mad: ds.

Still think that Zambia is one of the better places in Africa. :ok: Just have to grin and bear the s:mad: t that goes with it!

Kiwi Flyer 1st Jul 2003 17:32

I say its the pilots job to find out what permits he is going to require, and be exhaustive in your questioning!
We fly into Zambia on a regular basis and find people very helpful. One peice of advice when organizing your TASP's though is to always get the names of people you speak to. Always follow a fax up with a phone call immediatley afterwards. The favourite respose to asking if your permits are ready is "we havn't recieved your application". Tell them who you have spoken to, and lo and behold its ready!



126,7 1st Jul 2003 20:51

There was a thread a while ago about the russians landing in Kenya without the proper permits. You must be really stupid to take chances like that, especially in Africa!! If you get bust, its your own stupid fault, and you cant blame the locals for giving you a hard time either.
And if I may add, Zambia is still one of the best countries to deal with when it comes to permits. I never have any problems with the ZAF and it doesnt cost a cent up front to get a permit either.
That chap in the PC12 should get somebody to his permits for him, since he obviously cant do them himself.:confused:
Never change the route, date or anything on the original request without clearance first and you wont have any problems. Easy as pie !!:ok:

B Sousa 1st Jul 2003 23:20

But............... would that guy from the ZAF have talked that way to " Green Leader"

JollyGIII 1st Jul 2003 23:29

...if he had spoken to Green Leader that way, he would have got a lot more than a cold toasted sandwich and packet of chips;)

More like really hot roasted 30mm peanuts and a flaming sausage methinks...

126,7 2nd Jul 2003 05:52

He talked to Green Leader with the utmost of respect! I would too, mind you.:} Yes Sir, not a word Sir!!

Sayagain...? 7th Jul 2003 21:01

You as a pilot are at risk flying in Africa above the Limpopo. You are a meal-ticket, a bribe only if you are lucky. A 3 month ransom in some hole for a "MilliOn Doo-allars" is NOT unlikely.

DO have bribe money with you, DO take all the advice from the above, DO have all your shots, DO follow very strict personal hygiene.

You may have a good income, but it comes with high personal risk.

Gunship 10th Jul 2003 03:12

Do you know ?
Sayagain ??? says ...


You as a pilot are at risk flying in Africa above the Limpopo. You are a meal-ticket, a bribe only if you are lucky. A 3 month ransom in some hole for a "MilliOn Doo-allars" is NOT unlikely.

DO have bribe money with you, DO take all the advice from the above, DO have all your shots, DO follow very strict personal hygiene.

You may have a good income, but it comes with high personal risk.

Bru read the other Forums and see how boring flying OUTSIDE Africa is ... :E :E :E

Cardinal Puff 10th Jul 2003 20:22

Zambian BS...
I, for one, can vouch for the Zambian BS. The level of corruption is equal to, or worse, than any other African cesspit. Ben Mwila, ex defence minister being a prime culprit (ex because I think he's gone to that big AIDS hospital in the sky). TASPs are a joke as even after getting them some official will find fault and approach with the standard opening, ie "What have you got for me?".

SOP Africa: They're usually so confused they're not sure if christ was crucified or went down with the Titanic. Only one thing's for sure: you, as a foreigner, are percieved to be a walking wallet and nothing will convince petty officialdom in Zambia that the Dollar Fairy didn't drop off a barrowload of USD on your doorstep as she does every morning.


Drooling and ranting switch now in "off" position!

126,7 10th Jul 2003 21:44

I could do with one of those dollar fairies comming by my place every morning. Every other morning would also be ok, I guess....:D

Sayagain...? 20th Jul 2003 23:58

Bru says...
Gunship writes:

"Bru read the other Forums and see how boring flying OUTSIDE Africa is ... "

Got anything more worthwhile to say about flying in Africa? Which do you prefer anyway- boring or dead?

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