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JollyGIII 8th Jun 2003 18:45

Who wants to fly for SAA?
Any news on pilot recruitment at SAA? Cadets only?

I am sure there are lots of SAA aspirants surfing this forum, so if you work there or have been recently employed, retrieve your crystal ball from the bottom of your beer glass and gaze lovingly into it. Your beer glass that is.

Maybe Gunss could look into his glass of tassies and tell us what he sees. Probably sediment...

Gerund 8th Jun 2003 20:40

I have heard through the grapevine that it is black people only. Well, maybe coloured people too. Perhaps also people who are not that coloured but, coloured enough. Now that's a thought. How do you know if you're black enough, or coloured enough, whatever that means? I mean, you think you are black but it turns out that your mother was black and your father was white and you picked up the black genes, and your brother picked up the white genes. Who gets the job?

Is there a bit on the interview form where they put a mark against how black you look? Is there a card they hold up against you? I am sure they don't ask you about the colour of your parents? That would be racist surely??

So, it must be a skin thing? So, if you have the wrong skin, no job.

What a sorry state of affairs!

B Sousa 8th Jun 2003 23:39

Gerund, you may have a point there. Very similar to the FAA Instrument Card. Its Blue. When you hold it to the sky and it matches, its VFR, anything else requires an IFR Flight Plan.......
Where are We going with this???

Gunship 9th Jun 2003 03:08

I saw ..
Greymatter at the bottom of the Doos Tassie's.

Let us get serious : Mate look somewhere else .. the country is doomed on reverse apartheid and the new SA will get people in as they wish untill it is like the rest of Africa .. and then give apartheid and white rule and colonialism as the answer to their greed !

Or listen to vandemr .. (see him online - but he is in READ ONLY mode) .. he knows he sits in cosy Europe.

Go and ask you local flying school what is the ratio of coloured students making the grade from ALL over Africa. (Where the CAN be washed if they are not up to standard !)

If you do not have the ability or quallity - stay away !

If you have - get selected like the new South Africa WAS just after the end of Apartheid when white / black / yellow and pienk was on EQUAL footing - now .. forget it - sorry mate - look in Europe or America if you want to fly airlines.

JollyGIII 9th Jun 2003 20:12

Gunns...if you are finding grey matter at the bottom of your glass of tassies it means that the vineyard is distilling grapes with lead piping. This is not actually wine, but rather some thing more like a Colditz brew. There are certain well-known dangers associated with lead poisoning and I have absolutely no idea what they are. Acute impotence could be one of them. I suggest filtering your tassies throuh your socks. Although that might also have health implications. Life is so complicated.

Gunship 9th Jun 2003 21:19

:O :p :O Ja good one boet ... good one ...

Listen you should get a job at Spoories with that run - away tongue :p

Serious : Some of you guys might have remembered Terry H .... he went to Spoories selction with a bangle(s) on ... He told us he did not make it because of the bangle.

Well how has things changed in 23 years ... yes Terry that was 23 years ago :o

JollyGIII 9th Jun 2003 21:58

Gunns, this tongue has got me into trouble on occasion already - luckily no unwanted pregnancies though. ;)

I think it is appalling that (alleged?) drug smugglers and exam cheaters have deceived the SAA selection board and slithered their way into positions that other people would have gratefully accepted. I know what is particularly disheartening for pilot applicants is the lack of info or feedback on the hiring situation at SAA. I know that the airline is not obliged to give any, but it can have big financial implications for those that have undergone the full selection process, heard nothing, and are now faced with decisions about accepting training bonds and the like with their current employers or potential others. Maybe SAA should have a 'holding pool' of pilots who have passed the selection process and now simply have to await for a vacancy.

Like I said in my first posting, if you work for SAA and/or you are in the know, share it with us.

cpt hamna sheeda 10th Jun 2003 14:41

So there is no chance for a dutchman with a CRJ100/700 rating and 1500hrs on type and Africa experience for a job with SAExpress??


nomoneynowek 11th Jun 2003 03:04

On the contrary, you have 2 chances...........zero and f:mad: all!!

Sorry, couldn't resist:p

cpt hamna sheeda 11th Jun 2003 15:14

No worries, that's what i thought allready.

BAKELA 11th Jun 2003 17:30

JG, read the "SA Airlink for sale" thread. Press your chances there (and good luck) but if I were you I would not go near SAX - read the threads on this forum about that outfit. I think there is too much uncertainty about where SAX will be positioned in a couple of months - remember that SAA shouts the odds there now. The stuff at the bottom of the Tassies relating to SAX is mud not even grey stuff.

JollyGIII 11th Jun 2003 20:20

So has nobody got any thoughts on the SAA hiring issue? No rumours/facts/speculation? Anything at all????

Maybe nobody's interested. They just don't want to play anymore :( sob :(

BAKELA - I agree, things change often at SAX. One moment the RJs are being sold, next moment they are keeping them. A year ago there was talk of furloughing crew (did they in the end?), then I believe everyone got bonuses.

Hamna Sheeda - as far as I know there are no airlines in SA that employ non-SA citizens/residents. Are you from Holland? ;)

cpt hamna sheeda 11th Jun 2003 23:40

Yep, a real dutch dutchman.....

126,7 11th Jun 2003 23:54

Yep, a real dutch dutchman...
I suppose you dont get any dutcher than that.:}

saywhat 12th Jun 2003 16:30

Seems that intakes have been suspended, on orders from the real CEO 'Thabo". Roumour has it that only previously disadvantaged real rich green fellows are allowed to join for now. Latest rumour in the coridores is that the selection board all resigned over the last intake for some or other reason. There are more rumours that there are a lot of retirements next year, and SAA will need more pilots than they can get through the affermative route, so perhaps some guys might get lucky.

I wish all those trying to get in all the best of luck, as that what you need. It is a great place to work, despite the politics and rumours.

linuxgal 13th Jun 2003 02:48

There is a strong possibility of intakes this year, total 20 spread from Aug to Dec. The intakes will be from the industry in general, with perhaps 2 or 3 EE pilots.

There is a lot of discussion on this forum about affirmative action in SAA and aviation. I don't want to pee on anyone's battery but if you received free flying training through the SAAF in years gone by, when anyone who was not a not pale male could get knotted, then remember things have worked both ways. Also I can assure you that from the mixture of copilots I have had, that it is not dependent on your background as to your attitude and ability.

Affirmative action is a reality which won't go away and there is tremendous pressure on all business in SA at the moment. Some people in SAA are at least trying to make the transition managed as best it can be, and try and make sure that the standards are maintained. However, Flight Ops does not have the weight to refuse orders from Cabinet.

It's a big pendulum which has swung the other way for now, but will settle eventually. I feel great compassion for those who are waiting to get into SAA. As saywhat says, it's not perfect but still the finest place to work and worth the wait. Hang in there, think positive, and make the most of where you are at the moment.
Good luck.

flyboy6876 13th Jun 2003 12:07

Affirmative action was not supposed to exclude anyone, but was meant to ensure that ALL people were given an equal opportunity at a position. However, what has actually occurred is not affirmative action - people are being excluded because of the colour of their skin, not because they do not have the qualifications. This is racism, and this time around its aimed at the whites.

Affirmative action has cost South Africa dearly in the last 8 or so years. There are a number of people I know who took redundancy - foor fairly good sums - so that non-whites could step into the positions. In many cases, these same redundant people have been hired back as contractors for ridiculous sums of money to do the job.

I cannot accept that an organisation will allow less qualified or able people to take responsible positions simply because they are black. This has happened in SA sport and in many businesses and the consequences are well known. This is the 21st Century and people should be aware of what they are doing and there should be no employement on the basis of skin colour etc.

And please don't tell me that the blacks have not had the opportunity of education etc. SA has now been run by the ANC for 9 years, which should mean that anyone of the age to look for a cadetship with SAA has had at least 9 years of education. Or is it simply that the education system is not working.

SAA is the same as any other company - they are following blatently racist requirements set by the government which is excluding people with the relevant qualifications from getting employment.

Sorry folks - I feel very strongly about affirmative action as it is so damaging - rant off now :ugh:

vrottels 13th Jun 2003 14:12

Well said

You said It so well, It brought tears to my eyes man.

But you know what, this Is because we can not stand together in this country and allow the goverment to carry on with what they want to do.

We should ask for sanctions against SA, due to racism!

This Is how the ANC used to apply leverage....and it worked!


saywhat 15th Jun 2003 15:07

In response to flyboy6876, Affermative Action is by it's very nature there to exclude some in order to try to as our government says level the playing foeld. I personally do not agree with the principle, as I feel that it is no more fair that what the previous government policy was.

The reality is however, that we in this country must accept the policy as it is being enforced, as nothing that we do will change the laws that have been written. I know that it is easy for me to say that, as I am employed by SAA, but the same applies to all organizations inside and outside flying. We still live in the greatest place with the greatest people, and are very fortunate in the flying fraternity that ALL pilots still need to have a pilots license.

I do feel for all those who are batteling to get in, but from my very limited experience, it seems that SAA will need more pilots that AA will be able to provide.

Hang in there and remember that there is at least no more age limit for joining.

One more point, if you are reading this, and you have not updated your CV, there is no time like the present.

Fly safe

AfricanSkies 19th Jun 2003 23:32

What will happen if this twisted state of affairs is allowed to continue is that the entire system will be degraded.

If people are allowed to give jobs to their own choice of person without regard to qualification, eventually the structure of society will be warped and the quality of life for everybody within that society, no matter whether you're a rich boy from Lonehill or a poor boy from Alex, will become worse.

A job is not, contrary to the belief of many of our brethren, an end in which it is justifiable to langusih in ingnorance and apathy. It is an integral part of an operation which has to run well to be successful. And the company is a microcosm of the country. If most companies within the country are not efficient, the country as a whole is worth less. Unfortunately, the most important 'company' in a country, the civil service, which services the fabric of the country as a whole, is usually the first and worst affected.

The apathy of South African citizens, all of them, not just the whites, towards afficrmative action WILL result in South Africa sliding backwards into the African morass and becoming a more desperate place for all to live in.

Witness the cities in countries which the colonial powers abandoned decades ago. The broken traffic lights hang from bent poles at intersections where skinny policemen in ill-fitting uniforms disinterestedly wave clapped-out vehicles along from all directions amidst a cloud of smog and dust....there's no streetlights, intermittent electricity supplies and questionable water. Telephones work occasionally. Hospitals are understocked, understaffed and dirty. Foreign aid disappears.
There is no recourse to the law. Money paves the way. Might rules.

It is still stoppable at the stage South Africa finds itself in. But there is a critical point, and once that point is reached, the inexorable slide backward gathers speed. We will witness an industrial revolution in reverse.

What did Zimbabwe use for light before candles?


makes you think, doesn't it?

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